Coop: Holy War (Campaign)

Please leave feed back, stories or videos about the event here!

Really liked the song integration


Two minor issues regarding the faction I’d like to report:

Bravo squad did not have it’s short-range radios pre-set correctly, I assume the same must be true for all elements.

The buddy team colours were not set for Bravo, again please check for the squads to be set: Alpha red-yellow, Bravo blue-green, Charlie red-yellow.

I have no clue how to set that so I would appreciate some help with that :slight_smile:

They are part of the standard faction setup, if you use a standard faction as the base template they should be activated by default. [user avatar=“” name=“Baegel”]2509934[/user] can you take a look at the custom faction submission and correct those issues for the templars?

Interesting that this didn’t carry over from the standard faction template.
In "Attributes" of each unit you can find a field named preset Acre channels and team colours (Ace)
If you need further help message me tonight

Oh cool. Let me try it out and test it before next Fridays OP.

It’s probably because you based on the faction on the version of TFN that had these issues. I’d recommend just doing the gear again from TFN, it’d be less hassle than doing each units radios (trust me, it was a pain for Clarke and I to fix)

Well if Baegels method doesn’t work I’ll just mention it on the remaining 2 missions.

It’s not "his method". It’s the default pre-set of our standard factions. When making a custom faction please always download the latest version of the standard faction from our GitHub first and then build the custom faction on top of it.

To fix this after the fact you can download the latest version of TFN, then place it next to your custom faction in the editor and then copy over the init lines per element for the radios and for the three main squads you’ll have to edit the init preset per fireteam member (again, use TFN as a reference).

Smurt. I’ll give it a go :slight_smile: