Coop - Hearts

Leave your feedback here.

Please let me know when your next mission is up so I can thoroughly test it in advance and hopefully no terrorist shootings in vienna will get in the way of that.

Apart from the hiccups that could have been avoided it was solid. No idea what the planning committee was up to but MMG always felt out of place, and when we were finally in a good place most of the action already passed us.

The final assault was particularly bad with MMG up front??? for some reason??? immediately died, needless to say. I imagine Shiny being thrust into PLT every mission because no one steps up adds to this, but our own squad lead didnt make things too clear on the final assault.

Whatever the case, MMG needs more ammo in the big resupply boxes. 4 boxes is not enough for the amount of ammo expended over time. MMG starts with 10 boxes including ammo carrier, so 4 from a resupply doesn’t cut it.

MMG was up front because they had the healthies vehicle and organizing the move took forever because none was talking on long range. I ended up walking back and forth to get info and it was impossible to get people in other vehicles because none was communicating. In the end I just said fuck it and go. I had to jump into a work meeting and we were running out of time (we actually went 25 minutes over time which should IMHO never happen!).

I am also a bit unclear on the feedback that ENG and MMG was not at the OW before we reached town.
First town, you were already there.
Second town you were not and you notified me which prompted us into marking a hold marker 300 to 400 meters out of town and waiting for your go. You even spotted 3 attacks that we did not because you were in overwatch.
4th town we did not have overwatch.
So all in all we listened to feedback after the second town and that was the only time the OW and ground troops sort to say were miss aligned.

Also the other thing is like I mentioned. I had a splitting head ache since I woke up this morning at 7AM. I did not really want to lead but none else stepped up. Normally I am fine with leading but since communications were a bit stuck and we went over time it did not help my headache :stuck_out_tongue:

I enjoyed the mission though! Fairly easy setup but some minor annoyances made it a bit tedious.

It was a fun opp as ENG medic and despite the hicups it didnt effect the overall opp in the end also running overtime is something that we normally dont do speically on a tuesday opps but,I wouldnt say that we should never do it like a rule or something but, instead just ask anyone who wants to contuine on with the opp or end it as it is since the MM can always do a part two to the opp or just make up an ending which is either good or bad.

Last of all i just wanted to point out that convoy order and spacing could be a lot better since at certain point a unarmerd truck was at the bcak of the convoy when its not supposed to be plus spacing like I said could be a lot better we were far to close to each nealry all the time which is why 1 small ID nearly weiped Alpha and Platoon I think. Which would not of happend if spacing was better hence why i was driving far back at the endo the convoy at the end so it would not happen again plus I will say it again attended traing even if you think you know your shit its always a good refresher course.

Ps sorry for bad grammer :stuck_out_tongue: .

I like this classical CNTO convoy missions so i had a lot of fun. Despite some tecnical issues at the beginning, everything else went smoothly, eng and mmg did a lot of work covering us from above. Overall nice mission.
I wanna thank Arba for finally letting me use my takistani, my mom said it will be waste of time when i took that course on my med school, but it seems it wasn’t, ha take that Mom!

At the start that was all AI blowing up :D. No vehicle of Alpha (or PLT) blew up the entire op I think. Every turned-over trashcan near the road was avoided by going 20 meters around it.

Oh, I was under the impression too that alpha and plt got basically blown the fuck up along with the AI. Seemed like it from what radio was relayed.

Anyway, was wondering. If something like this happens and friendly AI survives, are we supposed to protect and heal them like they were with us, for narrative and RP reasons, or what is the norm in handeling that kinda stuff. I am asking since we normally laugh and move on, but that does feel a little weird sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote user_id=“319225” avatar=“” name=“Aether”]Oh, I was under the impression too that alpha and plt got basically blown the fuck up along with the AI. Seemed like it from what radio was relayed.

Anyway, was wondering. If something like this happens and friendly AI survives, are we supposed to protect and heal them like they were with us, for narrative and RP reasons, or what is the norm in handeling that kinda stuff. I am asking since we normally laugh and move on, but that does feel a little weird sometimes :P[/quote]

In this case Alpha and PLT set up on the hill next to the road (opposite from MMG+ENG) to provide security for the wounded elements, until emergency services arrived (ambulances and police). Afaik this was communicated between PLT and HQ.