Coop - Flashpoint

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Awesome Mission!

I liked the amount of enemy and the different tasks popping up from time to time. Simple but effective…
Like i mentioned at the end, leading was on the top and my fireteam a bunch of awesome guys i really enjoyed playing with. In the end a good team and communications make the game very quickly very fun, even if the mission is hard or slow or whatever.

Sometimes i wish enemy would charge more towards us and not just lay down in the forest and kill us one by one cos we can’t see around grass, but hey, it’s Arma.

Good work on the mission.

One thing, if you build a mission like this with very few bunkers, positions etc. try to put some more detail into the towns. Everon is pretty empty =) (like the civis and trucks hiding)

The man. Valentin. 5 kills and the Strider.

One job guys.

He almost made it, [user avatar=“” name=“Berenton”]5892636[/user]

One of the top missions I ever played. The terrain was awesome, the idea was simple and you could easily get your head around the situation.

I would have liked it even more if there was no friendly AI (At least not more than the nessecary survivors from the crash). Everytime we encountered AI I realised it was just a game again. You don’t know what they’ll do, what they’ve done, you can’t communicate with them and you have to treat them like an object. Sometimes they can even be dangerous and limit the possibilities of stealth. I’d leave them out.

Communication was amazing and the squad did very very lovely. But that’s almost to be expected with Mr. [user avatar=“” name=“Ryujin”]11355973[/user] in charge and [user avatar=“” name=“Dulabu”]11583892[/user] leading the other fireteam.

[user avatar=“” name=“Racoon”]3891983[/user], [user avatar=“” name=“Mother”]18447842[/user] and [user avatar=“” name=“Cob”]12877878[/user] did extremely well and were ready for it all.

Lovely mission <3

I have to give it to you [user avatar=“” name=“Anders”]4259784[/user] - you’re pretty consistent when it comes down to friendly AI. :smiley:

I’ll disagree there, you could communicate with them because they were under my careful watch and guidance the whole time. If I wasn’t RC’ing them directly I was hovering over them until their ultimate demise.
I will say at the end of the first town assault, something caused them to become uncontrollable, as with a couple of CIVs.

But yeah, there weren’t a danger to anything given the hovering I was doing on just them (which was why I was there for the first part)…they were told when to shoot, when to haul ass, and when to hug the dirt. If you had a Long-range, you would have heard them (me) talking back and forth in coordination.

Sounds like everyone had fun, nice job guys!!!

Haha thanks, I’m glad you noticed <3

[quote user_id=“1421263” avatar=“” name=“Obi”]'ll disagree there, you could communicate with them because they were under my careful watch and guidance the whole time. If I wasn’t RC’ing them directly I was hovering over them until their ultimate demise.
I will say at the end of the first town assault, something caused them to become uncontrollable, as with a couple of CIVs.[/quote]

That’s fair of course, but they still didn’t do much for me in the mission. That’s not to say you did a bad job controlling them at all, but even if you might have hovered over them they still feel more like a computer than a person to me and that for me takes away from the realistic setting and the experience.

But that’s the lovely thing about war stories - it’s more feedback than a discussion, so as a mission maker you can take what you like and leave what you disagree with :wink:

Again - one of the best missions I’ve ever played.

I was disagreeing with them being a risk to stealth and not being able to communicate with them as both factors were under careful control. You’re entitled to your opinions about how they make you feel, of course; I was commenting about those two points you raised.