Coop - First Strike

  1. How was AMS?
  2. Any issues?
  3. Enough of bandages and stuff?
  4. How were the loadouts? Any issues?
  5. Did you like the assets provided? (Vehicles)
  6. Did combined arms improve the gameplay or detract from it?
  7. Did you like the defensive stuff provided? (Mines, Static weapons, entrenching tools,etc). Were they sufficent?
  8. Did you like the enemy and its attack intensity?
  9. What about enemies composition (enough of a mix between tanks, infantry, IFVs, APC)?
  10. How was the AI?
  11. How was the overall pacing for you? Were there alot of boring lulls?
  12. Was the OPORD descriptive enough or would you have expected something more in there?
  13. Was the landscpe interesting? Were the tools provided useful in the landscape? Any other issues with the map?
  14. Leaders, were the tactical aspects fun? How did your units do? Who did especcially well?
  15. How did you like the mission idea overall?
  16. What do you think made the mission good or bad experience for you?
  17. What do you think we did well? What did we do bad?
  1. Good. My death was 1 shot kill but later on I got completely fucked by a mortar hit. Next time I got hit it was torso hit, lost consciousness. Not sure of that wound reopened or did I get hit again.
  2. No. Everything smooth. I ran out of bandages but resupplied soon after.
  3. I ran out of bandages but resupplied soon after.
  4. Yes. I loved the AR-15(even though there’s a weaboo shit on it’s stock!). Although 200-300m shots were almost non existant…
  5. Well… not much to say there huh? I love paradrops but we didn’t really have more vehicles, did we?
  6. I always support it. I know the AI friendlies had some but we were retreating from FOB at the point they were going in.
  7. Get your copy and paste thing right :slight_smile:
  8. Could be more intense as always. I like challenge.
  9. Only thing I saw was 1 soldier going on gun, mounted on vehicle.
  10. Good I guess… I got suppressed here and there.
  11. When I died, people alive were waiting for reinforcements I guess? It wasn’t necessary TBH. But I, personally, haven’t experienced and boring lulls.
  12. It was good.
  13. It wasn’t really interesting.
  14. Haven’t had proper leader for too long. We were 2 man pretty much 80% of mission time. But we did well. And I did especially well. Spotting those bastards first all the time.
  15. It was OK.
  16. My VERY close encounter, AMS struggling after mortar hit, lack of bandages at one point, struggle because of only 2 teammates.
  17. Umm… Everything went as planned… so I guess we did everything well. Maybe if Price wasn’t ask for the greater part of the time as freaking medic would make few things easier.

Mission was good. My death was disappointing for me as it was early on and I was just about to get to some better position(we had to stop fireteam from right in front of us). BUT! After that we got hit by mortar(badly) it was fun :smiley: . Then as we moved on to next town an enemy "ambushed" me. He was meter away. When he started shooting I panicked, shat myself, got cardial arrest, ran out of ammo after panic full auto through the bushes where I saw him, all at once. Great experience :smiley: . Next thing that happened was some douche firing at us and killing 2 people. I gotta say here that our approach was so shit, now when I think about it. I had the luck that I ran to defilade on the other side of the road but the other 3 got fucked. Acredium used my smokes to get to me(as I wanted to see what’s happening with them) and he was badly hit. BMP didn’t do shit, got fucked by Ryujin. Then when attacking blocks we took some suppressive fire, Acredium died, I passed out and that’s pretty much it. Nice mission.

P.S videos coming soon when I’ll get my shit together and make them

  1. It was good. I had to patch up a bit every now and then as I took some shrapnel and got shot.
  2. Nope.
  3. I was running low on bandages a couple times, but there was always either some to be salvaged or a medic nearby.
  4. I was an AAR and I was surprised that I had only one box of AR-rounds, but a ton of M4-mags. I also think AAR should maybe have a bit more tracer mags for assigning targets to AR.
  5. We lost our truck to a premature ejection from the plane. It may have been nice to have one.
  6. The only combined arms I noticed was the para-dropping.
  7. Didn’t notice any.
  8. The enemy could have been a bit more aggressive. Most of the time they only fired from a distance.
  9. Compared to our numbers and more importantly our amount of ATs, the enemy had too much armor. I’m not saying we should do less armor, but rather more ATs.
  10. Could have been more aggressive, but otherwise it was good.
  11. After taking the airfield and moving a bit to the town (apartment buildings), we waited pretty long for the reinsertion, while we could have taken the whole town in the meanwhile.
  12. It was good.
  13. It was nice. I love open buildings and urban warfare.
  14. In Lancer 2 the red team was incredibly resilient and seemed to survive almost anything (excluding exploding warehouses etc. in the beginning).
  15. It was great. I like the idea of rapidly clearing towns before the enemy can regroup and reinforce.
  16. It was fast-paced enough, although there was some waiting in the beginning. Especially when we started to take mortar fire things started to get interesting.
  17. Clearing buildings and communication while doing it was even surprisingly good. There was still a lot of bunching up especially when squad leaders gave orders to regroup to give new objectives. A good way to avoid that is to only call for FTLs to regroup, while other maintain defensive positions. Assaulting the comms tower was done with awfully few men. Lancer 2 which was supposed to circle around the enemy lines and assault from behind was only 3 men strong, while it would have needed almost twice that much. Base of fire doesn’t usually need as much people as maneuvering team.

Got my shit together. Templar 1 AAR POV Operation "First Strike" by Carpe Noctem Part 1 - YouTube

On a more technical side, guerrila vs guerilla vs guerrilla.

Moving the respawn didn’t work, because you named it "respawn_guerilla", but Arma 3 has everywhere in its documentation "respawn_guerrila" (which is a typo, but made it into the game - see Arma 3: Respawn - Bohemia Interactive Community or the Multiplayer -> Respawn tooltip in Eden). That’s why my moving functionality is only looking for "respawn_guerrila" and missed your marker.

I assume, at some point, BI added alias for "respawn_guerilla" (and maybe "respawn_guerrilla" as well), so it works now as well. I’ll add both to the moving check.

(Sad to hear it didn’t work anyway.)

You can use just "respawn" for Coop missions, it’s more foolproof as you don’t have to think about sides.

[quote user_id=“13633351” avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]On a more technical side, guerrila vs guerilla vs guerrilla.

Moving the respawn didn’t work, because you named it "respawn_guerilla", but Arma 3 has everywhere in its documentation "respawn_guerrila" (which is a typo, but made it into the game - see Arma 3: Respawn - Bohemia Interactive Community or the Multiplayer -> Respawn tooltip in Eden). That’s why my moving functionality is only looking for "respawn_guerrila" and missed your marker.

I assume, at some point, BI added alias for "respawn_guerilla" (and maybe "respawn_guerrilla" as well), so it works now as well. I’ll add both to the moving check.

(Sad to hear it didn’t work anyway.)

You can use just "respawn" for Coop missions, it’s more foolproof as you don’t have to think about sides.[/quote]

Cheers mate,

There was also a weird bug were Skywalker who started in the humvee on respawn kept going back to the humvee underwater but the others in it went to the respawn marker I believe.

When doing insertion the way you did, you need two things:

  • respawn marker somewhere on land
  • A3EE -> Teleport on JIP module nearby the respawn marker (ideally)

and when you want to move them, you have to move both independently (both under AE - Respawn in Zeus).

Otherwise, people joining in progress will either appear where the plane was on mission start or will get slotted into the vehicle that they first spawned in, if it exists and isn’t destroyed.

When doing insertion the way you did, you need two things:

  • respawn marker somewhere on land
  • A3EE -> Teleport on JIP module nearby the respawn marker (ideally)

and when you want to move them, you have to move both independently (both under AE - Respawn in Zeus).

Otherwise, people joining in progress will either appear where the plane was on mission start or will get slotted into the vehicle that they first spawned in, if it exists and isn’t destroyed.[/quote]

This happened at mission start before I tried moving them.

My view on the mission


Templar 2 Rifleman AT:
Please note that this video has been botched by poor configuration of Adobe Premiere, as I don’t usually edit my videos: I had to cut out the part where I’m discussing with Ryu’ in the purgatory.