Coop - Eye Spy

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After all this, I think Henrik should teach us the ways of the survivalist.

Note to self. Don’t sit next to a house if there is an exploding vehicle on the other side.

We had this happening already, I remember somebody cheerfully stating the BTR was destroyed and a few moments later the building collapsed on more than half of us :d Seriously though, being under fire from unknown direction is stressful enough to forget about these details. Luckily Pantoufle and I had a good time laying on the grass trying not to get shot, it’s been a heck of a waiting but I really appreciated that you guys came to rescue me.

Now about the mission, I didn’t expect a happy journey down to the south but man, it was pretty intense. Although we suffered quite a lot of casualties, alpha 2 performed well in my opinion, we did a nice teamwork keeping communications up.

Can’t wait for the finale of this campaign, thanks Shiny for the hectic action :wink:

P.S. Could we all agree the M113 is a moving grave and stop using it? Really, it’s very slow, weak and doesn’t offer much protection for who’s inside.

[quote user_id=“8061610” avatar=“” name=“Henrik”]

P.S. Could we all agree the M113 is a moving grave and stop using it? Really, it’s very slow, weak and doesn’t offer much protection for who’s inside.[/quote]

[quote user_id=“3602631” avatar=“” name=“Shiny”][quote user_id=“8061610” avatar=“” name=“Henrik”]

P.S. Could we all agree the M113 is a moving grave and stop using it? Really, it’s very slow, weak and doesn’t offer much protection for who’s inside.[/quote]

But it’s so cheap and light! It was really zooming down those roads. To be perfectly honest everything we use is gonna blow up if hit by and RPG. The reason people like humvees is better visibility they are slightly more nippy for driving to cover and we tend to have less guys in them so when they blow up we don’t suffer as much. In terms of durability everything we use is basically the same.

As Dachi said we should recon in force. I would do it with vics in a line guns up in open terrain and infantry dismounted with crews in driving a little behind (or a lot behind in flat terrain i guess) and vic moving at shooting speed (which is roughly infantry jog anyway so that works out nicely.) But obviously the important thing is we all see the enemy at the same time and shoot them.

If we have to move fast I guess a single vic with two guys might be handy to recon specific locations but as a general convoy recon for the entire route if they do it carefully they will be slow and the whole convoy will catch up anyway and we might as well use a recon in force with everyone. If they move fast they will probably just get shot up and die or have to get out so quick they will not be able to give very detailed information on enemy disposition.

Then again we could send two guys in a fast car who give a constant update on where they are and then use the last location from before their radio suddenly went dead as an enemy marker. Benefits are nice and simple, which is why I like it! I volunteer Henrik he seems to be lucky :sunglasses:

[quote user_id=“9240990” avatar=“” name=“Teddy”]
Then again we could send two guys in a fast car who give a constant update on where they are and then use the last location from before their radio suddenly went dead as an enemy marker. Benefits are nice and simple, which is why I like it! I volunteer Henrik he seems to be lucky 8-)[/quote]

May I suggest filling M113s with explosives and send such couple of guys out? This way enemy forces are gonna blow up with the patrol, clearing the way for the actual assault :slight_smile:

This time it wasn’t the great amount of people inside the M113 the issue but everybody standing right next to the house which collapsed, anyway I’d much rather use a couple more humvees and possibly lose 4 men in an explosion instead of an entire squad.

How did the PTL-s plan work and what could’ve been done differently or better?



Had a lot of fun as Nightbird, Littlebird is always fun to fly