Coop - Early Meal

Please post feedback. Couple of questions to help you out.

  1. How was AMS?
  2. Any issues?
  3. Enough of bandages and stuff?
  4. How were the loadouts? Any issues?
  5. Did you like the assets provided? (Vehicles)
  6. Did combined arms improve the gameplay or detract from it?
  7. Did you like the defensive stuff provided? (Mines, Static weapons, entrenching tools,etc). Were they sufficent?
  8. Did you like the enemy and its attack intensity?
  9. What about enemies composition (enough of a mix between tanks, infantry, IFVs, APC)?
  10. How was the AI?
  11. How was the overall pacing for you? Were there alot of boring lulls?
  12. Was the OPORD descriptive enough or would you have expected something more in there?
  13. Was the landscpe interesting? Were the tools provided useful in the landscape? Any other issues with the map?
  14. Leaders, were the tactical aspects fun? How did your units do? Who did especcially well?
  15. How did you like the mission idea overall?
  16. What do you think made the mission good or bad experience for you?
  17. What do you think we did well? What did we do bad?


I’m gonna give you answers to your questions before my story.

  1. AMS was awesome! got shot 3 times, I think, got some bruises and injected myself some morphine when my pulse was already low(couldn’t see over pain effect and we were under heavy fire so I risked) and I heard my heart slow down tu unsettling speed : P
  2. No
  3. Dusty Ellis says that if you put an elastic bandage on your already bandaged wound it will stay on or last much longer before it reopens. If that’s true, I’d demand more elastic bandages. Other than than I like everyone should have one epi-pen just in case.
  4. Nice loadouts. It turns out I’m not a fan of RPK but I’ve seen a lot of AK variants and that’s very nice.
  5. I don’t mind them that much as long as it’s just transport for me
  6. Combined arms was actually great this time. We really felt the presence of our tanks. They were very supportive but not to the level where infantry had nothing to do. We had a lot to do.
  7. Haven’t seen it actually
  8. Enough but there was no a lot of action where the infantry and tanks are evolved in a way where infantry gets fucked over by a tank and you need to call your tank to help them and figure out what to do next.
  9. Yes. There were quiet moments but this is due to our way of making decisions… LOOOONG. And once we were waiting for reinforcements so I understand that one. But when they were attacking it was rly nice to see that much of shooting.
  10. I survived the whole thing so maybe I’m looking at it from different angle but they seemed like they are unable to hit you…a lot of shots missed by them. I’d like them to be more accurate.
  11. As I said - 2 boring moments due to our way of thinking. If not that, pacing was perfect. Perhaps throwing enemies at us, when we’re sitting ducks, would help
  12. It was enough
  13. I REALLY liked the map. I honestly loved it. This terrain speaks to me :slight_smile: I had bad fps 24-50 fps where usually its 50-70 depending of what is happening
  14. Leaders were great, units were great… everything was great.
  15. I liked it. It’s again go in and kill mission type but it was made in much more interesting way than Oil Drink 2. I’d like more background stories like we did before. Smth like Russians are fighting for 4 months. kill them is not rly interesting. It doesn’t really matter but details do the thing :slight_smile:
  16. AMS made it great, different weapons than our usual choice, mission in overall, MAP FUCK YEAH, combined arms.
  17. We wait for too long. It’s known issue to me I notice it everytime. Sometimes it’s good to wait like for those reinforcements but sometimes it just makes you fall asleep. EXCPECIALY when you’re running around for 3 hours and you have to put up for one more hour. From bad experience I’m gonna say it was wind. It’s not rly funny to play with wind I must say… I would have hit so much more targets without wind… like those bitches at the end from rooftops. 800m would be easy if not wind.

Now my story time.
FUCKING HELL! This was suck a good mission. I LOVED the map. Takistan mountains were not THE it. It was just a bunch of flat terrain and mountains. HERE you have everything. Map was awesome. Biggest pain in the ass was was my gun actually. Turns out I don’t like RPK. Recoil is too big and I got confused with zeroing and thought that the lowest zeroing is 420m… But it’s powerful. Wind made it even more annoying. But my team was great, we proceeded well and at some point Zjosua took me and Acredium to move vehicles. We dodged a bullet. The rest of our team died : D. We had a fun moment where we ran away from mortar fire in panic JUST in time. But I hated that everyone seemed to… ignore me? Not all the time but there were multiple times where I asked for something and got ignored 5 times in a row or I was giving an information about some ei and after I start shooting people ask me why am I shooting?. That’s annoying guys… at least tell me to fuck off if you don’t bother to answer me. It’s rly better than being ignored. The 2nd big thing I liked was the fact that I survived the whole mission. It’s very immersive. I love when you try to remember something but in fact it happend 2-3 hours ago and it’s hard to put the story line down : P And Of course for the big ending(yeah… where we walked from house to house in cleared area for 20mins in the en) Ozzie quoting Shakespeare and dying seconds after : D.

10/10 more of these pls.

P.S. As one of not many that recorded the thing, mine didn’t broke :slight_smile: One day I’ll find some time to upload it. I was going to make a video like this one Ryujin be happy - YouTube since actually that’s what you want :slight_smile: But there was so much action that from 4 hours I can bring it down probably to 1.5 MAX but it probably would be over 2 hours so I don’t see the point here. I’ll just cut out parts where we do nothing to make it nice to watch.

How was AMS?
I didn’t get wounded and the one time I died it was an instakill. I bandaged some guys, and you know that for bullet wounds (avulsions), they’re going to need medical assistance, which puts stress on us, which is good for the experience. I guess it’s important that a medic posts an impression.
Any issues?
I witnessed the issues with wounds not being healed after surgery and people continuing to limp after that.
Enough of bandages and stuff?
Not an issue on my side.
How were the loadouts? Any issues?
Loadouts were ok, but the number of belts for the AR are quite limited. There was a rearm box later in the game, but the second time, I was wondering if it was the same box we had already almost emptied the first time or if there were really that little of AR belts in it in the first place.
Did you like the assets provided? (Vehicles)
I liked the combination of BTR and a Tank.
Did combined arms improve the gameplay or detract from it?
Seeing the amount of armor, we faced at one moment, it was good to have one heavy armor too. We should have used the BTR for assaulting the final objective, down on the field with infantry and not as a sniper on the hill. We could also have tried to breach a wall on the compound immediately south-east of the FOB , where there was only an entrance on the northern side to assault.
Did you like the defensive stuff provided? (Mines, Static weapons, entrenching tools,etc). Were they sufficent?
Did we use any of those ? I didn’t notice…
Did you like the enemy and its attack intensity?
The first part where we moved to the FOB, was quite slow and not much was thrown at us, but then it became much more intense.
What about enemies composition (enough of a mix between tanks, infantry, IFVs, APC)?
Good for me
How was the AI?
It could have been fiercer in the last city, we were rushing the CQB part, we could have used a good spank there, but it was late and all were tired, so not a good moment for that in fact.
How was the overall pacing for you? Were there alot of boring lulls?
I was lucky to not have to cope too much with boring lulls, but in the final city, I felt that we were waiting for reinforcements and that the mission was waiting for it too , may be :)? I am a bit of a purist, but for me the mission should not follow the player’s agenda or mistakes, so if the final push of the enemy has timely to start before reinforcement comes in, the player’s have to cope with it. Although that could end in a wipe and then it collides with the rigid re-insertion time policy… TBD
Was the OPORD descriptive enough or would you have expected something more in there?
Good enough for me.
Was the landscape interesting? Were the tools provided useful in the landscape? Any other issues with the map?
I like this map a lot. I also like another map in those settings called Aliabad, which is A2 port with no mountains, only hills, we should check that out.
Leaders, were the tactical aspects fun? How did your units do? Who did especially well?
No lead here, and the following is off-topic in fact. Just a quick remark, some people take automatic leadership for various reasons, when the FTL goes down, and it should, by the book, be the AAR, who usually is in that role with full awareness that he will have to lead after the FTL falls. Naturally it could be the guy who feels more leadership than the remaining others. I can’t deny the second reasons, as it is the natural order of things, but in CNTO, I thought, we are encouraging anybody to take the lead, so ‘natural leaders’ should accept that they might be lead by less experienced people. This includes, but not observed in this mission, the ‘more experienced leaders’ in AR or AT roles, not being able to refrain playing ‘FTL’ or ‘AAR’, it is intimidating and impeding the actual FTL’s decision a lot. Probably worth a little debate thread, to re-center the general view on that. What I don’t do, is discussing this on the battlefield, as that’s the wrong place to debate it.
How did you like the mission idea overall?
I like that push back the enemy scenario a lot, especially as they were fighting their grounds, and also still were attacking back (best defense is attack).
What do you think made the mission good or bad experience for you?
Nothing bad,
What do you think we did well? What did we do bad?
We are slow in starting moving from one position, but then we are moving too quick once we do. Overall the moving pace is always too quick, be it convoying into enemy territory or cleaning a village, city. In the former trainings we had, that pace was taught right. I wished we would be forced to come back to proper movement and tactics, but that would probably mean a lot of wipes during the official ops nights. This probably takes us back to the scripted fun vs. serious fun discussion.

I liked the mission and I must say that the overall discipline was good once the mission started. The spirits were high when when we met in the lobby and the pre-mission AMS session was quite hectic… Fortunately, this settled when the Ops started.

(I don’t really have time to do all the questions so I’ll cover a few points)

I really loved the mission. I think a lot of people beside me loved the aspect of having to defend the FOB while waiting to reinforce. I think we were really slow at the beginning and at the Alpha position, but the AMS and ACRE bugs might have something to do with it too.


I think AMS is a very good improvement to overall gameplay. It adds a lot of immersion and it makes the medic essential, as it should be.I think there are enough bandages for single own use, but I had to scrap for some bandages several times during the mission, and I think there were still some bandages from pervious medical system (on enemy bodies I think), but that makes medic even for useful so I don’t think we need more in the inventroy.
Me and Crystal had some issues with AMS at the Alpha position: at one point John had fully healed me, then it looked like I was hit by a bullet, but I did not get injured. Yet I was only limping, unable to run we tried everything: morphine bandages surgical kit etc. but I was never able to run again. Later I got injured in the arm, and once I bandaged it, I could run again. I saw someone write in chat at the debrief talking about headbug fix, but I don’t what what he meant.

There were a lot of ACRE bugs apparently, people not hearing each other did not help at all and it makes people very upset when they keep saying something and get ignored. I don’t personally remember this happening so maybe we’ll have to look into this.

How was AMS?
It slowed us down a little and made us more cautious, but I don’t think we were cautious enough. We are going to have to change the way we play slightly in the future (as individuals that is).

Any issues?
It’s already been said but the medic needed to shoot injured players in the foot with his handgun in order to be able to treat him. Also I could see the radial menu when treating myself along with the full menu. I could only see the full menu when treating others. I also think we might want to consider allowing FTLs to be medics as well as SLs. Just in case both SL and medic get killed at same time (they do spend all there time together).

Enough of bandages and stuff?
Well I didn’t run out but I didn’t treat anywhere near as many people as John, better to ask him.

How were the loadouts? Any issues?
I liked em. No issues from me.

Did you like the assets provided? (Vehicles)
Yep. I love the variety of combined arms. More please!

Did combined arms improve the gameplay or detract from it?
Improved it loads!

Did you like the defensive stuff provided? (Mines, Static weapons, entrenching tools,etc). Were they sufficent?
I didn’t know there were any in this event???

Did you like the enemy and its attack intensity?
When we took position Alpha we were low on numbers & ammo, and we never really got a chance to breath and reorganise which was a pain but made for a more intense experience. As long as the majority of missions give us small lulls to regroup etc then I’m ok with the odd more intense ones every so often.

What about enemies composition (enough of a mix between tanks, infantry, IFVs, APC)?

Yep. It keeps it interesting.

How was the AI?
Seemed good to me. The punished mistakes but didn’t dominate us in even firefights and that’s what I want. I wasn’t on teh front line with the FTs much though so best to get answers from them and the HAV & APC crews.

How was the overall pacing for you? Were there alot of boring lulls?
I can’t remember any lulls. See attack intensity answer.

Was the OPORD descriptive enough or would you have expected something more in there?
It had enough info for me.

Was the landscpe interesting? Were the tools provided useful in the landscape? Any other issues with the map?
I loved the landscape. after fighting at position Alpha my inftantry vics got pinned on the edge of a ravine. Suddenly the whole dynamic of required tactics changed. Great terrain IMHO.

Leaders, were the tactical aspects fun? How did your units do? Who did especcially well?
Difficult to pick out individuals as there were ACRE issues most of the night and it was very hectic. Everyone did well to keep going all considering. I loved the fact that I was ASL and Zjosua was PLT Lead. I commanded the FTs and he commanded the Armour and overall situation. If one person did double duty in this one I think we would have had major issues and never completed the objective. More Platoon leads please!

How did you like the mission idea overall?
Brilliant and very varied. Keep it up!

What do you think made the mission good or bad experience for you?
Nothing I didn’t really enjoy to be honest. Everyone did well and the mission design was good. Keep it up everyone!

What do you think we did well? What did we do bad?
the ACRE issues make this difficult to judge from my view. The plan seemed good and every supported eachother well. Convoys were much improved but we need to get better still. We need to be super organised when regroup to help the medic out, get reinforcements in and distribute ammo supplies as quickly and efficently as possible (Eistee, we need your thoughts on this :wink: ).

Great Mission! Can’t wait for the next one!

When you go to ace options, in the right bottom corner of it’s window you have something like headbug fix. It should help with stuff like that. Once I disappeared for 1 guy and headbug fix should help. ALSO that guy had the same problem with AMS(testing mission) and he was told to do headbug fix.

Amur 1 AR POV ArmA 3 Operation "Early Meal" by Carpe Noctem - YouTube

Amur 2 Rifleman AT PoV + AMS Training:
Sadly it’s missing around an hour of the mission since my disk got full, but that was my first OP :slight_smile: