Coop - Early Birds

Hey guys, please share your stories, awesome moments and all mission related feedback.
Describe what you liked about the mission and what did you dislike.

How was AMS?
Any issues?
Enough of bandages and stuff?
How were the loadouts? Any issues?
Did you like the assets provided? (Vehicles)
Did combined arms improve the gameplay or detract from it?
Did you like the defensive stuff provided? (Mines, Static weapons, entrenching tools,etc). Were they sufficent?
Did you like the enemy and its attack intensity?
What about enemies composition (enough of a mix between tanks, infantry, IFVs, APC)?
How was the AI?
How was the overall pacing for you? Were there alot of boring lulls?
Was the OPORD descriptive enough or would you have expected something more in there?
Was the landscpe interesting? Were the tools provided useful in the landscape? Any other issues with the map?
Leaders, were the tactical aspects fun? How did your units do? Who did especcially well?
How did you like the mission idea overall?
What do you think made the mission good or bad experience for you?
What do you think we did well? What did we do bad?

(Maybe each mission maker should ask for specific feedback instead of copy pasting the Aegis one haha :D)

I’ll give my opinion on communication for this mission.

I became alpha 3 leader due to the former leader (Alex) having problems with ACRE. I must say communication this mission was often either lacking or chaotic. This might have to do with my lack of experience as a leader, but I sometimes found myself not knowing what was the situation or what was my fireteam orders…Also, when there are 3 fireteams on the same radio net it is really hard to communicate (be it listening to orders/reports or saying something without stepping on someone else). The bugs with acre did not help. I think the best way to be effective is to give a lot of information and talk a lot, and if the fireteam is a bit split up it can become hard to give information without creating confusion if there is a lot of things going on.

I remember last year when I first applied, the squads and fireteams disposition was different (6 member per fireteam I think) and so was the radio channels (one for each fireteam I believe). I guess you had good reasons to change the structure, but my personnal opinion is that I prefer the old one. (I’ll go and check if there is a thread about it on the forums)

Again this is just my opinion feel free to correct me, thats what forum is for :slight_smile:

Available now (1440p/higher bit rate, will be available when youtube is finished encoding) :

On this mission, I distinctly remember (as we were clearing Montignac) seeing a BMP go through the city - I thought it was Dagger and was discouraging everybody from shooting rockets at it - we were on the far side of the main road (looking from the way we came into the city).

I was a medic with John (SL), zcribe and one other person I can’t remember. We also saw a guy with an RPG backpack and an RPG aiming at the BMP as it drove back the way we came. Somebody said "well, that’s not friendly" and we shot the guy down.

I thought the BMP was friendly, because it got damaged by some ZSU fire from one direction (south?), fire which was presumed to be enemy. Turns out the BMP was actually enemy because Dagger was a good 500m away from the city and a closer look at the soldier camo revealed it was our guy.

So I would like to appeal to you - please, don’t pick up enemy equipment unless authorized and even then announce it ideally twice on the squad net, so everybody knows. This was a very practical example where it would have helped as the bright green RPG bag covered most of the uniform camo from a distance.

Same goes for AKs - whatever you think about the policy, it’s in your own interest to let as many people know that you’re using enemy equipment. You wouldn’t be the first guy I "accidentally" grenaded because he was shooting in my direction using unannounced enemy gear (even when in emergency).

</rant> :slight_smile:

First about the mission. I liked it. Simple, kinda short(not enough tasks for 4 hours op IMO) but what I really liked was amount of enemies. I said that before, gonna say that again. Give us challenge. Send more enemies on us so we feel the hell instead of meeting some fireteams here and there. If we fail too much you can always put less units again so we can handle it(like you did here. It felt that after we had only 8 people left you eased up on us). It’s great to see that. now the rest:

I remember that situation with BMP. I was beside you with my RPG bag and launcher and I was convinced it was enemy BMP but all the confusion with enemy shooting at his own tank, you telling us it’s friendly stopped me from shooting. Same goes for guy with RPG missile carrier. As I was confused if the tank is friendly or not it was also the confusion for me but he had "greener" uniform than the enemy and the helmet was different. I also thought that was friendly(and well… he was) but because of the confusion with the tank someone shot him after he fired at BMP with an RPG.

[quote user_id=“13633351” avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]So I would like to appeal to you - please, don’t pick up enemy equipment unless authorized and even then announce it ideally twice on the squad net, so everybody knows. This was a very practical example where it would have helped as the bright green RPG bag covered most of the uniform camo from a distance.

Same goes for AKs - whatever you think about the policy, it’s in your own interest to let as many people know that you’re using enemy equipment. You wouldn’t be the first guy I "accidentally" grenaded because he was shooting in my direction using unannounced enemy gear (even when in emergency).[/quote]

And about that. I assume you remembered someone sigh me sigh loaded with enemy gear. RPG and AK later on. RPG was announced in the 2nd town where we lost most of the squad(it actually ALMOST saved our dagger. They managed to shoot dagger about 2 seconds before they exploded). but it had 2 rockets and I thought that I’ll keep that last rocket with me as we only had 8 people left there. The AK pick up was "forced" on me. I fired every last bullet of my US gear(yes pistol as well) and I asked countless times on direct speech if anyone has any belts(I had about 100 bullets left at that point). I also asked on radio if someone can provide me with at least 1 belt(0 ammo at this point). I didn’t get even "fuck off answer" so I just decided to take the closest AK(now when I think about I might have been shot by friendlies in the end but it’s just the possibility). In the fever of battle I didn’t announce the AK pick up. I assumed people will notice my uniform rather than gear but I understand that its very deceiving seeing someone with AK and RPG in friendly uniform where the uniforms were just more green and less green between friendlies and enemies.

I understand the policy of picking up enemy gear as people would just pick up weapons they like(I would definetly go for that AKM. It was nice 15 minutes with it) or everyone would carry RPG with them.
BUT my little suggestion now. Allow people to take enemy rifles when they run out of ammo without asking for permission BUT make it necessary to call it to lead. It’s too much fucking around asking for permission when you are not able to defend yourself. AT’s should stay the way they are because as I said - everyone would pick up one. Actually gonna post it in brainstorming and see what other people think.

P.S my lazy ass gonna post them videos at some point on YT

I would like to say I think the new medical system is working very well. This might be because our medics are doing such a good job but whenever our FT called for a medic he was there very quickly and I think the only times I died immediately I think it was due to autocannon or HMG fire from medium armour. The mission itself was a nice gradual increase in difficulty with us having to deal with a larger attack at the final town. I liked it and felt that the times I died was pretty much due to bad luck or mistakes on my part.

ArmA 3 Operation "Early Birds" by Carpe Noctem - YouTube Catch this! Alpha-2 AR POV

I had a lot of fun. Me and Cob were the soul survivors of the platoon in Montignac. We lived through it. By the end the streets were littered with dead and the smoking wrecks of BMPs

Alpha-1 Riflemen AT PoV:

Some called it "the birth of the tank killer".