Coop - Dust Devil

Please share your stories, awesome moments and all mission related feedback.
Describe what you liked about the mission and what did you dislike. More specific you are the better.

I had a lot of fun commanding Alpha 1. The first line of defence was pretty hot at some point and we bravely followed my idea of staying there as long as we can peak out our heads and not get hit. Actually we were split up there as AAR with AR went 3 buildings away but our communication was still OK. I decided to regroup with them and then we’ve hit that magical point where we couldn’t peak without getting shot so we ran away. At this point we were pretty yellow(or amber as Dachi insisted :slight_smile: ) on ammo. We went to medic to get patched up and we moved to cover western side of 2nd defence line. It wasn’t that intense but some close shots landed :slight_smile: . And the magical resupply happened… We got to take 3 mags! Guys if you hear on the radio that whole Alpha 1 is short on ammo don’t take as much. I had to share my 7 mags with teammate so that gives you an image… I like that enemies got pissed on us, when we camped our asses off at 2nd line, and decided to drop some mortars on us :slight_smile: . We ran away… I mean… We tacticly fell back to defensive positions in musk. As the mortar fire continued I decided to stay inside and just watch the entrance. There was some rambling so one EI just walked through the main gate and shot me to unconsciousness. After that we got proper orders to watch specific gates and I got some nice family picture made by Xerses :slight_smile: . John decided to mount up the grenade launcher in Humvee and Iastimikoi got a warning from, me at this point(when he wanted to go up on roof) - "if you go out there and die I’m gonna cut off your balls". In the end where 10 people died due to wall collapsing, he died as well. He owes me his balls and I will demand them. I liked how we just decided to mount up and GTFO of there with 5 people left :smiley: .

In conclusion: good mission. Again just a little bit more enemies would be cool but it was still nice. I got even more balls now thanks to Iastmikoi.

Again sorry if I felt not really communicative at the times(90% of those were on 1st line) but I was really distracted with the firefights, sometimes I couldn’t hear over heavy fire and sometimes I would just say to wait out and forget about it. But if you say it was good I guess that’s more of my concern :slight_smile:

"That was fully disrespectful! I’m very proud of that" ~Ozzie 2016

Will post videos somewhen soon.


Alpha 1 FTL Point of view

As I joined late, then my Arma crashed and didn’t have the mental strength to join back after an exhausting day, I can’t provide much feedback on the mission. However from watching the video, maybe a few small Zeus tips, hopefully useful:

  • to keep vehicles on roads, give them the "safe" behaviour (green face) - AI Behaviour - Bohemia Interactive Community
  • suppression doesn’t work with T55 tanks (are from project opfor, not RHS)
  • whenever the OPFOR menu in zeus collapses (1.64 bug maybe), just click the arrow to expand it, no need to re-enter zeus
  • the suppression functions have 0-10sec "fudge factor", meaning they will take effect 0-10sec after you place them - this is to distribute the reloading, etc., so they don’t all fire+reload at once
  • BIS suppression also doesn’t work when there’s even a tiny bit of elevation between the source unit and the target, hiding the target
  • BIS suppression doesn’t work when there’s a (hard/soft) obstacle nearby the shooter, blocking the target view - obstacles near the target are fine
  • when deleting dead bodies, use the map view - the 3D view hides objects further away from the camera
  • dead player bodies cannot be deleted - use the "Delete units (really)" action if you really want to delete them
  • manual suppress displayed an error message because you selected crew (vehicle passenger) while it’s meant to be used only on infantry - this could be fixed, but then again, there are many other corner cases not taken care of … maybe I should remove it from Zeus to avoid accidental use (?)

Thank you to everyone who have already written something about the mission. I really want constructive critism for the mission as zeus and mission maker. I assume unit commanders would appriciate some good constructive feedback from the players aswell. The quick debrief is usually quickly forgotten since people are just tired by then. I would think written constructive critisism would help them improve in the future and demonstrate some issues they could improve on.

For my part:
Did you like missions?
What did you like or dislike about it?
Did you like the amount of challenge (declare your role)? or would you have liked more?
Did enemy feel active or just throwing units at you?
What did you think about the enemy artillery? Enchanching fun/threat factor or just an annoyance?
Did you have fun?
Do you think you could have had more fun? Ideas (doable in arma)?

Tank crew:
How was the opposition?
Did you feel critical to the success of the mission?
Did you feel challenged and threatened?


Did you enjoy your part of the mission?
Did you feel qualified enough to do what you needed to do? Would you have liked more information on how to do A,B,C or do it better?
Did you feel critical to the success of the mission?

P.S: Having [user avatar=“” name=“Lastmikoi”]17128302[/user] and [user avatar=“” name=“Unknown User”]0[/user] in same fireteam ruins the effect of having multiple recordings.

I was tank commander.

Did you like missions?

I liked it a lot. I really enjoy defensive missions.

What did you like or dislike about it?

There was a lot of enemies and I felt our crew was really useful. The intensity of opposition ramping up was great too…The bad side of defense missions though is that I feel it is hard to make the AI actually attack. I watched Zcribe’s and Tropical’s povs and it was clear that the AI couldn’t enter the mosquee by itself. So having it suppress the mosque gives a good feeling of "holy shit we’re under attack" when in fact ai is just standing outside shooting at several meters thick walls. The behaviour of tanks was not too bad, unless for the 3 that were stacking on the side of the mosque at the end.
Last thing that I don’t like much (in general, not only this mission) is the use of artillery by zeus. I wouldn’t know how to react to artillery fire as a player knowing it’s zeus firing at us. Would you actually kill several players just pressing one button if the situations allows it ? In this mission you just used it to scare us and give more immersion (that’s what I felt when watching you place them and also when watching Tropical’s pov) , but then in an RP perspective, how could the enemy not target the big ass mosque in the center of the town ?
(Sorry Zcribe if it feels like every time I write feedback it always comes down to zeus or AI rather than the mission itself. I apologize but weird AI is what affects immersion the most for me. I watched many of your povs and I know how well you know your stuff :slight_smile: )

Did you like the amount of challenge (declare your role)? or would you have liked more?

There was a lot of challenge yes. I think it was enough in term of quantity. As tank crew we had a lot to deal with and almost always something to do.

Did enemy feel active or just throwing units at you?

Again quantity was good but a more clever ai would be awesome

What did you think about the enemy artillery? Enchanching fun/threat factor or just an annoyance?

See above.

Did you have fun?

Lot of fun, I think this wad my second favourite mission after Aegis :slight_smile:

Do you think you could have had more fun? Ideas (doable in arma)?

More players haha :smiley:

Tank crew:

How was the opposition?

See above again

Did you feel critical to the success of the mission?

It’s hard to answer those kind of questions since there was no tank you would just have sended less opposition. But if you the opposition was to be the same anyway, then yes, I think we were critical to the success. We took out at least 10 armors and a lot of infantry

Did you feel challenged and threatened?

Yes we were. I learned that being tank commander is not just sitting there and talking on the radio. We were constantly on the lookout for enemy tanks and we usually managed to spot them before they do, and we even had a few crazy maneuvers to deal with several armors at once. We were blown up at about two third of the mission by a heavy armor we didn’t spot right away.

Alpha 1 Autorifleman AT PoV