Coop - Division

Please leave feedback on the mission, what you liked you didn’t like and share your stories or videos.

The video when its done:


Awesome Mission

I liked the Task finding RADIO to get help and actually attack and flee at the same time.
Good amount of enemy.

Did not like the nighttime to much since the enemy can see you very very good…

A lot of action and pretty good frames… all i need to have a lot of fun!

Very enjoyable mission, thanks Highway.

Contrary to Dulabu, I enjoyed the nighttime setting without NVGs. It made PID a little more difficult and added to the overall tension (driving an humvee offroad surrounded by friendlies in the dark was pretty scary).

Stable FPS for me as well & no technical problems except an error message at the begining stating the proper version of ACRE was installed neither on the server nor on my computer for some reason. But it didn’t have any consequence & the radio communication functioned normaly.

Thanks guys for the feedback. I forgot to ask you last night - what did you think of enemy formations or better said - lack of thereof? I didn’t micromanage AI too much and ASR AI took most of the work.

[user avatar=“” name=“Highway”]13688253[/user] Don’t know if it was intentional but there sure were a lot of stragglers, left and right so props for that.

Lots of Friendly fire :? :o :o :o :o We need some training’s again.

Points that can be improved through training;
Contact reports,
General Situation awareness,
FTLing and the role of the AAR

Only technical issue I came across was the re spawning into a different role which I could live with.

Dachi, Ryujin are we picking up a training ops again or are we just letting this be?

[quote user_id=“1123048” avatar=“” name=“Zero”]
Dachi, Ryujin are we picking up a training ops again or are we just letting this be?[/quote]

We are still conducting training’s I have several that will be conducted on my return to the UK they are just few and far between to space them out amongst regular events, Contact Report should be coming soon in early FEB.

Correction see link and sign up Event Calendar - Carpe Noctem

I enjoyed the mission even though I thourougly despise night settings without NVG-s. It needs a really good reason to make realistic sense (defense, etc.). Since this was an escape from the island it did. Luckily there was considerable amount of moonlight and that [user avatar=“” name=“Highway”]13688253[/user] was very forgiving so there was no point where it became untolerable.

AI was very scarce and usually much weaker than us. Had no real tactical sense and did not feel like an actual army unit set out to conquer the island. Main difficulty was taking the initial base which had several armoured units. After that there were only scarce fireteams and few less armed camps/bases. All of it felt very appropriate with the limited operational capacity that the unit had due low light setting.

Pacing was great. It never got boring. Always felt like we had to be at our toes yet rarely overly hetic due to Zeus activity. Mostly due to weird organisational management that should have not have happened.

OPORD was very laconic but effective. Very little said but everything was useful. Images helped (aside from the map image).

Distinguishing terrain was a major problem and PID was very difficult. I think it is unfair for [user avatar=“” name=“Zero”]1123048[/user] to make the PID out as a major issue. Thats just the case with very low visibility. If units don’t work extremly hard at coordination so that every member knows where the blue units are then this is bound to happen. There are very good reason why most real life units avoid night fighting if they can without NVG-s. I would rather point to misfires since that is more associatable to trigger dicipline.

Since [user avatar=“” name=“Zero”]1123048[/user] you brought out few of these issues could you go more deeply into them? As in what where the specific situations that could use some work. Generic training is obviously good but possibly we could focus more time on the re-occuring issues.

One thing that wasn’t there or I missed was [user avatar=“” name=“Highway”]13688253[/user] viewpoint on the units actions. Eye in the sky opinion so to speak. Did the unit act like expected? Was everything like you planned? How much did you improvise / change? Did you percive any major issues with how the unit acted?

[user avatar=“” name=“zcribe”]16558368[/user] - here is my view as "eye in the sky".

The friendly fire incident was a product of formation you were having at the time. Unlike the usual wrong identification, this time someone walked in someone else’s line of fire because formation employed was too close. The unit didn’t use recommended technique for crossing large open areas (travelling overwatch & bounded overwatch in the last 200m).

Instead a narrow formation (not sure which one it was) more suitable for conditions of poor visibility was adopted. In my opinion, that would be a good choice if you were moving through the forest, but the terrain where friendly fire incident occurred was large open area on a hill.

Hey guys,

Were there any ACRE issues on this mission did our fixes work?

I noticed once or twice that I didn’t hear things over the radio, but it wasn’t anything like that which was reported before.

[quote user_id=“16558368” avatar=“” name=“zcribe”]I think it is unfair for [user avatar=“” name=“Zero”]1123048[/user] to make the PID out as a major issue. Thats just the case with very low visibility. If units don’t work extremly hard at coordination so that every member knows where the blue units are then this is bound to happen. There are very good reason why most real life units avoid night fighting if they can without NVG-s. I would rather point to misfires since that is more associatable to trigger dicipline.

Since [user avatar=“” name=“Zero”]1123048[/user] you brought out few of these issues could you go more deeply into them? As in what where the specific situations that could use some work. Generic training is obviously good but possibly we could focus more time on the re-occuring issues.

PID was a major issue though, I wouldn’t be out here moaning about it if it wasn’t, From my memory I counted about 7 or 8 friendly fire incident’s not all of them lead to death but’s it’s still bad. As for your misfires argument, sure your right it’s trigger discipline but unless were constantly point at our teammates head it has nothing to do with my original argument for training with my argument being that lot’s of friendly fire should be trained out.

Personally I think all friendly fire incidents are the worst, because when you die the measure of fun you had is ended by the incompetence of the teammate which can be very frustrating cause arguments and fights.

First off, more then 1 incident happened, secondly I agree we were to bunched up but that was a error of the SL however I personally would have split the fire teams out and give them flanking procedures, with the squad split you can engage a compound without having to enter it, instructing all ft’s to tell they’re fire team to not fire outside the compound.

Sorry for being annoying about these issue’s but even though I’ve recently returned to CNTO, I’m shocked by some of the incompetence and general lack of care people seem to have in these OPS, were called serious fun for a reason guys if you want casual fun go play Liberation.

[user avatar=“” name=“Zero”]1123048[/user] - knowledge transfer and training is a continuous process without end.

I don’t think we have anyone here wanting to play without proper application of tactics. Maybe fireteam, squad and platoon leaders (officially trained in here) could have their own private forum to spread knowledge and peer review their own actions. I think it should be private because, you know, criticizing platoon/squad leader by regular soldiers is not a cool thing and could escalate things. What do you think [user avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]12591864[/user] ?

Of course, the peer review shouldn’t become an obligation, rather a place to exchange and improve leadership in a friendly manner.


Also, if I was leading, I’d use, what is from now on known as [user avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]13633351[/user] maneuver. Bait, wait 20 minutes, waltz in empty objective. He knows what I’m talking about. :slight_smile:

[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“” name=“Highway”][user avatar=“” name=“Zero”]1123048[/user]

Maybe fireteam, squad and platoon leaders (officially trained in here) could have their own private forum to spread knowledge and peer review their own actions. I think it should be private because, you know, criticizing platoon/squad leader by regular soldiers is not a cool thing and could escalate things.

Escalate things??? we are a 20+ community I don’t think it’s that bad :LOL: , But I understand your reasons however I feel this would go against CNTO transparency(-iness???) maybe allow them to see but not comment. If they feel something Is left out let them contact a senior member who can explain it or add it to the review. New recruits see a lot more then you think, especially since the experienced players are usually off leading there own element

Plus having there voice heard is a good thing as a community to do for new player retention