Coop - Desert Shield

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Since this was my first mission as a GM, I would like to ask you for your honest opinion about the mission. What was good, what was bad, what could be improved in the future? Was the opposition too numerous? Thanks in advance.

Once done:


What happens when you are bored at base after dying 2 times in a row.

I like the civs you controlled, both the ones giving intel and the suicidal one who went "appearently" unarmed up to us and attempted to make loss on our side with a hand grenade.
I was aware of the threat but didn’t act properly to the situation in time. We all responded well when the grenade was pulled though. I’m into the thought that dead people are no longer a part of the force, but then can be added to the GMs disposal to make the mission more realistic for the rest that are still out there. I’d be fine doing such job.
Also the civs didn’t sprint as much around in town as they do in some ops. That adds to a better atmosphere.
I always think the enemy is too numerous, so don’t mind that. The rest is probably fine with it.

He’s plotting something

Awesome mission. Clearing the first village was a good performance, Alpha was well coordinated in clearing the compounds and although we had a few casualties (me included) I felt like the enemy force was very well balanced to our strength. I enjoyed the break before things got real, there weren’t really other ways to approach the second village at the entrance of the valley so no complaints at all. Alpha got pinned down before we could provide any fire support and when we tried to move we got slaughtered (at least Alpha 2) from enemies behind trees, we were totally exposed and could not return fire (thanks to Dvdesa for staying alive, I passed out 3 times and magically didn’t die) so we had to pull back but still it was challenging and not frustrating (heh, because I didn’t die). The rest of the mission was pretty normal and I have nothing more to say.

Again, thank you Arba for the great mission!

Great mission, shame I couldn’t stay for the whole thing, and my battlecunt crashed before the action began initially. I had to be an emergency taxi service both in game and out. I had pretty low framerate at points. Too many actors on screen at once, as well as unesecary ones like the ones at base. I’d also recomend using the civilian script to make the civilians less doofy and indifferent to all the carnage, as well as make them seek cover. Great map hope we use it more often.

Thanks for the mission Arba, it was awesome!
Like Henrik, I think the opposition was balanced. Clearing the first town and coordinating with Bravo was a lot of fun, I am sorry for all the members in Alpha who were killed, we got pushed around a lot.
For the second part of the mission, as stated previously, the problem mostly came from the AI in the trees who could shoot us but we could not really see them. Here again we were pushed hard but it was good fun (except for all the casualties).
I also liked the idea of the suicide grenadier of attacked us by surprise. Even if unfortunately it killed people who had just reinserted.

Thank you everyone for your input, I will definitely keep everything in mind.
One thing that I think nobody mentioned is that little side mission Dachi quickly put together for the guys waiting the reinsertion while I was busy trying to sneak up on you, so I wish to thank him for that, and everything else.

How do you think [user avatar=“” name=“Teddy”]9240990[/user] plan worked?
What did you not account for?
What would you do differently?

I would appreciate any comments on the plan and how it might have been changed for the better. One thing I liked was when I had the chance to talk to my squad leaders and I would have liked to do that a bit more just so I could get their input and give them more of a chance to change things or ask questions before each stage of the op. I regret not having more of a chance to talk to Argon when he took over so I could check if he wanted to change anything. The only slight annoyance was I would have trouble dragging the squad leaders away from everyone else without an entourage following us about. It’s great that everyone knows what is going on but I want squad leaders to have a chance to talk to and I want it do get done relatively quickly. Anyway only a minor nit pick and I know it was from the best of intentions.

I thought the plan was good and simple. Maybe for the initial assault squads should have been further appart because we stepped on each other’s toes before getting to the town.
I also liked discussing the plan of action in between fire fights with platoon command but I was not very proficient in informing you, Teddy, while we were carrying out your orders (I am still very new to squad leading).

Good point! My reason for keeping squads close as they entered was I wanted to get to the buildings without exposing us to fire from a large section of the town while we were in the open, hence me going on about sneaking up the valley to the north of the road. However, as you said you were a bit on top of each other once in the town so perhaps some recon to check if it was necessary would have been better than parking in view of the town and going over that hill with everyone. Shiny and others suggested coming in from the North of the town which might have been even better. Perhaps one squad coming in from the north and the other coming in from the East along the little valley. Then again it might have ended up like the attack on the second town where squads attacked from two compass directions at 90 degrees and had trouble supporting each other. I guess it all depends on terrain and enemy, something to think about the next time we tackle an objective like that.

I see your reasoning. Maybe then it was the SLs’ job to provide feedback once we got to the town in order for you to adjust the plan, which I did on my own but not before Alpha took a beating. Thus we might have avoided a few casualties.

I was playing as AR so I cannot really comment on the plan outside of what was visible on the map or relayed down to us. These points are not really criticisms as much as just what I would’ve done differently.

  • Mission was inherently 2 phase one: capture the city and clear the villages. Thus resupply could’ve been pre-planned into it. Especially since the base was so close to objective a quick RTB would’ve been prefrable to the one on the field (Less logistical hassle and already has security).
  • On the second assault: Avoid the "Optimal crossing" and use the roads since the crossing was extremly exposed and had very little benefit to it. The road leading to the same valley is exposed only to the direction our base is and seems fairly secure. Possibly allowing to obtain additional information on the hills and the OBJ Suhanir.
  • When moving in a valley insurgent forces would easily have the upper hand. Thus we should’ve established some overwatch on nearby hills. Hill 1644 for example was a very dominant one that could’ve helped in having overwatch over the whole area thus knowing where the enemy is. Any other hill would’ve helped aswell. Fireteam or a 2 man taskforce would’ve sufficed. Lack of very simple reconnaissance is one of the reasons why very often things blow up in peoples face in CNTO.

[quote user_id=“16558368” avatar=“” name=“zcribe”]. Lack of very simple reconnaissance is one of the reasons why very often things blow up in peoples face in CNTO.

^ Recon teams should be more prevailant in missions. I try to put them in all my missions so that they leave early and can provide intel whilst the bulk of the forces are mobilizing, so that they can adapt their plans accordingly, but unfortunately sometimes they get bogged down in a firefight or don’t communicate with the squads for one reason or another.

[quote user_id=“16558368” avatar=“” name=“zcribe”]I was playing as AR so I cannot really comment on the plan outside of what was visible on the map or relayed down to us. These points are not really criticisms as much as just what I would’ve done differently.

[] Mission was inherently 2 phase one: capture the city and clear the villages. Thus resupply could’ve been pre-planned into it. Especially since the base was so close to objective a quick RTB would’ve been prefrable to the one on the field (Less logistical hassle and already has security).
] On the second assault: Avoid the "Optimal crossing" and use the roads since the crossing was extremly exposed and had very little benefit to it. The road leading to the same valley is exposed only to the direction our base is and seems fairly secure. Possibly allowing to obtain additional information on the hills and the OBJ Suhanir.
[*] When moving in a valley insurgent forces would easily have the upper hand. Thus we should’ve established some overwatch on nearby hills. Hill 1644 for example was a very dominant one that could’ve helped in having overwatch over the whole area thus knowing where the enemy is. Any other hill would’ve helped aswell. Fireteam or a 2 man taskforce would’ve sufficed. Lack of very simple reconnaissance is one of the reasons why very often things blow up in peoples face in CNTO.

This is a solid approach but the OPFORD gave a number of directions that I interpreted as instructions not suggestions. I could have tried arguing them I guess and perhaps I did take them too literally but I believed we were supposed to treat them as based of some kind of intelligence that our HQ had and also the GM put them there so that his life would be easier without us going off the prescribed path.That said enemy forces came from all sides of the valley that we were told to take and I admit feeling a bit tricked and wishing we had moved on the high ground by the valley rather than through the valley as the OPFORD told us to do. Still I guess I just saw it as being given slightly crappy directives from HQ and having to deal with the results.

I apologise if you thought I wanted to trick you, that wasn’t my intention. The reason I placed the crossing marker is that I thought the drive around the riverbed would take too long, nothing else. I didn’t want for AI to attack you from the hills and no AI squads had any orders or waypoints to go there, but some went there anyway while my attention was directed somewhere else and I didn’t realise it until after they engaged you. I ordered them to retreat, but as they took too long, I left them to their own devices. Not giving you a DMT was another mistake on my part that won’t be repeated in missions like this.

I realise I made some other mistakes, but I believe they stem from this being my first mission and not knowing what exactly to expect out of it. Will try to avoid them in the future :slight_smile:

That was an excellent mission and too be honest it was a realistic situation, after all the intelligence might say that they were in the valley floor buildings but they would have to be pretty silly to stay there once we attacked :-d