COOP: Delta Hebdo

Leave mission feedback, videos or fun stories below in the thread.

Time: 04:00
Weather: CLEAR
DLC Required: None

Note: 2x One life missions. 1st mission roughly 1hr. Second mission 2hrs. In the second mission, any dead can act as supporting elements if they wish (at commands discretion).

Earlier this morning a group of fundamentalist Insurgents assaulted and took hostages of the Delta Hebdo-news and radio station located in the center of Fallujah. The insurgence claims the news outlet dedicated illegal images and insulted their religion. The insurgents have started killing hostages and releasing videos on the Internet. Their goal is likely to force Western intervention and turn the populous of Fallujah against the West.


I Situation

Last night TFN was transported to a forward-ready position outside of town. With stand-by orders to prepare to assault the building and rescue the hostages. Negotiations have broken down and TFN has the green light to assault the position.

Friendly Forces

*TFN 1st platoon
*PLT / Alpha / Bravo / Charlie/ Nightbird / DMT

  • Supporting units unaviavailibe


  • 2 x MH-6m transport-
  • 2x UH 60m -
  • 1x AH-6m-

Enemy Forces

  • Local Insurgency - technicals, small arms, RPGs, ZSU. IED and booby traps highly likey.


  • Civilians - yes.
  • Ensure no civilian casualties, otherwise the locals may turn.

II Mission

Assault Delta Hebdo-News and Radio station, secure the building and rescue the hostages.

III Execution

Commander’s Intent

*Insert and extract via Nightbird
*Nightbird to provide CAS after infill

Movement Plan

*Insert into the AO via helicopter (the building is likely armed with AA)
*Patrol on foot toward the objective
*Assault and capture the object
*Rescue the hostages
*Remove roof-toop obstructions
*Extract hostage via roof while holding the objective
*Hostages are to be taken to IDAP Hospital in the South
*Extract TFN from roof and exfil

Fire Support

*Nightbird only

Optional Tasks


IV Administration / Logistics

  • N/A


*Via nightbird only


*none. One life mission

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For the first time I nearly had an heart attack in non-Shadistica OP. The second one literally gave me some STALKER vibes. And that’s probably how I managed to survive and blow up few… insurgents with my grenades :laughing:. Overall I had fun time in both OPs


We scare because we care…


Survived a crash, was able to exfil the city with Teddy. Then went to rescue the other guys with a helo… crashed again. Survived the crash. Ok let’s to do this shit again…

It was fun thk Matt

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