Coop - Day of Days

I really liked the mission concept and setting. The first paradrop was confused though because we couldn’t hear each other on the plane, despite that it was cool to regroup after dropping so scattered around. Until the first server crash we performed well, joining with reinforcements and attacking the village, after that unfortunately it took some time to teleport everybody in the right position which was very immersion-breaking but not much could have been done better.

I didn’t get the feeling of GM taking over the mission too much but maybe it’s just me missing stuff. I found weird that the town was basically clear of enemies but since AI units do whatever they want I’m not surprised if they all came in the woods looking for us.

To recap: very cool setting, pretty good movement, on the other side AI was too skilled when we couldn’t see a damn thing, boo hoo for the server crash but that’s nobody’s fault.

Ah right, I wanted to add a personal thought about night missions: as stated during debrief if we are given night goggles we basically play a daylight mission in green shades, if we are not given night goggles (like yesterday) the scenario is very cool with flashlights but infantry is just useless. So what? As I said, very scenic but not really a scenario I find interesting gameplay wise.

Thanks for the mission guys, I had fun!

I also really liked the mission idea & setting. Unfortunately, I didn’t take part in the regrouping after the jump but I was looking forward to it. Having to find your friends in the dark without attracting to much attention sounds like fun!
For the jump, I think it went wrong because some of us (me included) didn’t react fast enough to the green light.

I enjoy missions in low visibility conditions & I agree with Henrik that having nightvision reduces the interest of fighting at night. As said in the debriefing, flares might be a good addition in this setting.

Thanks Highway!