COOP: Corsair Redux

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Map: United Sahrani
Time: 05:00
Weather: Foggy
Host: @Volken
DLC Required: None


I Situation

Diplomacy has failed and the separatists have made their move. A massive assault on Corazol last night almost broke through our defensive line but things seem to have stabilized. However this wont last, our NATO allies have already notified us of Russian movement and their intent to tip the scales in the Separatists favor. NATO support is on the way but in the meantime its on us to hold the Russians back until they arrive.

Sahrani defence forces:

  • Sahrani Militia
  • Service Platoon, Tank platoon
  • PLT, Alpha and Bravo

Friendly Forces

  • NATO


  • Light vehicles
  • Static recoilless rifles and MGs
  • 1x ZU-23 and Manpads

Enemy Forces

  • Separatist infiltrators have been spotted operating in nearby forests, be on the lookout for them.
  • Locally stationed russian marine forces are expected to make their landing soon, we expect mechanized infantry with artillery and air support.


  • Martial law has been declared, civilians have been advised to stay in their basements or the nearest underground shelters.

II Mission

Bagango must not fall

III Execution

Commander’s Intent

  • Clear the road to Pita of any hostiles.
  • Provide security for the Service platoon retreating to Bagango.
  • Use available equipment to setup ambush positions along the road to Bagango.
  • Delay incoming Russian attacking forces.
  • Defend Bagango until NATO support arrives

Movement Plan

  • Up to the platoon commanders’ discretion. Once the Russians start making their landing we should not stick around too long in one spot.
  • Last line of defence is the Bagango city perimeter, there we can support the defenders.

Fire Support

  • Tank support can be provided in case of emergency.
  • We have been supplied with static weapons and mines.
  • AA weapons are available at base to deal with enemy air assets.

Optional Tasks

  • Find the saboteur camp

IV Administration / Logistics

  • Additional support units available (munitions & repair) once the Service platoon reaches Bagango


  • Limited supplies available at base.


  • Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
  • Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
  • Respawns can use the AA weapons at base until reinsert.
  • At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out from the base.
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Stats: Grafana

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