COOP: Comrade from another Mother(land)

Leave mission feedback, videos or fun stories below in the thread.

Map: Takistan
Time: 08:00
Weather: Mostly clear skies
Host: @Karl
DLC Required: None

The Takistan region is in open civil war. The Rus Government has pledged their aid to the Takistan National Government and deployed troops to the region. Their main tasks are to provide area control, training and QRF actions.
Latest intelligence suggests increased hostile activity and a potential imminent attack. Friendly forces have been put on high alert and high risk targets have been reinforced with additional forces.


I Situation

Early morning our local allies sent out an alert of enemy activity in the northern region and reports of fighting near the area of the northern airbase.
They have requested our immediate assistance in securing the situation.

Friendly Forces

  • Russian Army
  • Platoon, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, MMG, MAT
  • Transport Helicopter Wing for transport.


  • GAZ 233114 - 8 seats: 1x driver, 7x passenger - backup transport vehicles

Enemy Forces

  • Various hostile factions which seem to be allied and working together.
  • A mix of traditional armed forces and local tribal fighters.


  • Civilian presence is expected. Be cautious of civilian casualties.
  • Mixed opinions on the different factions.

II Mission

You’ve received an urgent alert requesting assistance near the Airbase to the north.
Move to the AO, provide assistance to allied forces by pushing out hostile forces and securing the occupied areas.

III Execution

Commander’s Intent

  • Platoon is to respond to allied intel on hostile activities.
  • Unit will be transported in via Helicopter.
  • Once hostile activity has been suppressed, unit is to RTB.

Movement Plan

  • There is a risk of Anti-Air and some IEDs/mines. Caution advised.
  • Initial INFIL will be done via helicopter transport.
  • Risk of mines/IEDs in the AO.

Fire Support

  • No fire support from our side.

Optional Tasks

  • Clear and destroy any fortified enemy positions.

IV Administration / Logistics


  • Resupply available at base, and can be brought in via helicopter.
  • Field hospital in Northern Airbase.


  • Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
  • Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
  • Platoon Commander has a two time reinsertion wild card at their disposal, call this in through HQ.
  • At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in the smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements.
  • At predesignated times, an air transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base.
  • Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.
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I was alpha yellow lead.

I’ll reiterate what some people mentioned in the briefing at the end.
Pace was initially pretty good as we cleared the city, but dropped off massively after we approached the airbase. This lead to people leaving. Clearing the oilfield was (as one of my team members stated) a turkey shoot, although I heard bravo had more action.

Doesn’t help that last weeks mission was incredibly hectic, and this one was quite slow-going. :grin:


I was Bravo Lead.

Pacing for us was good throughout the op. At least it seemed to me that way, but I additionally had a long range radio so had a bit more to do and we were a small element so for us smaller enemy forces were a bigger challenge than they would be for Alpha.

Comms were pretty good on the Squad level. I liked that for the most part I was able to lead Bravo how I liked without micromanaging from PLT and we were still able to support each other while moving through the town and the oilfield.

Advice for the MM: If you see that there is some longer downtime for players, spawn some distractions. A force that is not big enough that would require PLT to start changing the plans, but also strong enough to give players something to engage while PLT is busy making the plans on the move. Roleplay with the friendlies in the airfield was decent if you were in the leading position that was able to participate, but that just meant more waiting for the grunts. If RP was done while grunts were still having fun clearing compounds that would be great.

MM also hyped up the armour in the pre mission briefing so we took MAT which was not really needed in the end in my opinion. MMG or a bigger Bravo would be much more useful here.

I had fun and I’m glad I joined. Mission was long enough to enjoy but not too long that it got annoying.

Thank you @Karl for Zeusing and @Henrik for taking up the PLT!


I was Autorifleman in Alpha Red.

A bit of a frustrating mission on my side. I died in one shot on approach to the town (first objective). Re-insert after 22 minutes of waiting time when the town was already cleared. Then waited around the airfield for about 25-ish minutes to assault the bunker West of the airfield. I was gunner in the Gaz-Vodnik and was again one shot-dead at the beginning of the push. Another 28 minutes till re-insert when the fight is over and we’re moving to the oilfield.
Minor skirmish from then on to the end of the mission.

After review of the OCAP, Mission lasted for about 2 hours and 10 minutes excluding Briefing/Debrief. Out of that 1h15 were spent waiting either for reinsert or to move out to the next objective.

I don’t pin the blame on anyone, leadership or Zeus. It’s a combination of bad luck and probably bad placement on my part alongside harsh medical settings and reinsert policy that leave little chance to come back from a bad streak of events like that.

As for the mission design I think it was good overall but maybe a bit lacking in enemy density. I enjoy longer more protracted firefights.

Thanks to the member of red team for carrying me through that with lighthearted humor :wink: