Coop - Brown Warrior



A great mission and an awesome map. I was super on edge and busy at almost all time!

As a medic, I really enjoy the new medical system. It is THAT much more interesting. It is now not as straight forward as before but you actually have to constantly monitor and manage a patient’s vitals. You can keep people alive until supplies arrive, e.g. [user avatar=“” name=“Shails”]13750996[/user] giving CPR to [user avatar=“” name=“Mother”]18447842[/user] while I was treating another patient and was waiting for supplies that eventually were provided by [user avatar=“” name=“Hateboarder”]8030574[/user]. Good times!

Most patients were up rather quickly (patients that went down after a single wound). Patients that got hit harder or were not found/called in right away took a bit longer. Especially when my medical supplies ran out which happened 3 times this op. Sadly my medical request took a very long time to arrive (~ 45 minutes). I’d suggest adding a separate medical supply box with Epi, Morphine, Adenosine, Bandages and Blood. Even though we slowed the blood loss rate with this mission people were still losing more blood than before but this is, in my opinion, a fun addition for the medic and PL to manage supply deliveries.

Decent time tonight. Alpha worked well even with some more newer people in leadership roles. Always good to see people trying things out and it was nice that we adapted plans on the fly.

On the medical. I think the bleed rate is still too high. Wake up times seem nice right now, but blood usage is insanely high still and if we keep the rate as it is now, we’ll have to rebalance the factions and how much our medics are carrying. (I also think we should look at placing 2 500ml bags into our small resupply case.)

This medical system makes injuries permanent, meaning even a stitched arm still causes increased weapon sway. It’s reasonable for your rifle most of the time, but for binocs it terrible, at that zoom level the sway is barely manageble to see anything at any sort of range,

I’ve seen the bug twice now where the UI tells everyone nothing is wrong. But there actually is stuff wrong. It leaves you guessing and wasting equipment just to figure out what is actually wrong.
Quite an annoying bug and happened twice in all the tests we did.
I also think we need to lower the blood loss as again I have to spawn blood bags 3 times during this OP.

Nice op. I had scouted the map a bit by flying over it in the editor which is how I knew I wanted to avoid Ambush Road at all costs, which turned out to be the right thing to do. The approach on the objectives around the FOB worked well as well, unfortunately I slightly misjudged the rock ridge at OW3, which meant we couldn’t set up the firing line I intended.

I agree with Shadisica that binocular sway very punishing. Holding binos steady is nothing like a rifle sight and shouldn’t be affected by wounds (as much).

On medical: I think it went reasonably well this op. It was definitely clear there is still a learning phase (I had some things wrong as well), but the losses we took were mostly not down to medical problems afaik. The main problem was blood supply, which is partially on me. I knew Dagger had taken supplies with in the Bradley before we left base, but didn’t know it was only a small box so we didn’t have medical supplies until we got an airdrop at OW2. Then the reinforcements took a trip down ambush lane (could’ve marked the map clearer to go around it) and we lost those blood supplies (and their speedy arrival) as well. Had the medics had plenty of blood on hand I think downtime would’ve been much shorter on the last objective.
I think you can debate whether you want to decrease blood loss or increase blood supply. The first will bring the medical system close to what we used to have, while the second adds some logistical requirements and extra medic gameplay (since with more blood loss they also need to micromanage patients more).

Great map, good addition.

From my perspective as Dagger Driver I missed a bit of what was going on around us of course, but from my perspective it was a great time.

Teamwork within the vehicle got to a great point, was very satisfying to work as a team this way. I didn’t get injured so I can’t speak to that, but having to do repairs on the vehicle without enhanced movement is a bit of a pain. It was very hard to reach some of the optics that got broken.

At the start of the game, I was given permission to load a single supply box into the Bradly, but I didn’t know what they were since they are empty until you leave the base. Next time, assuming I get to Dagger again, I’ll load a medical supply crate instead of a general supply crate, depending on what Platoon requires.

Anyway, from my perspective it was pretty much a positive experience from start to finish.

Pretty good op this time, things definitely seemed to go better than when the map was the other way around and we were assaulting south :stuck_out_tongue: the length of the mission could possibly do with some work as I THINK we went about an hour over time and still had the airfield to clear? Though from the debrief it sounded like Falcon had basically cleared it themselves

I felt like it went quite well, there was a few friendly fire incidents (Sorry Fish!) but that was mostly down to communication and organizational breakdowns once we started taking the town, got surrounded, and lost half the team .

For the medical side of things, can’t speak to much on it this time as I only took two shots the entire operation (Woo!) but from watching others get up/go down it seemed better to me, those with minor wounds were often able to get up themselves after being bandaged, and those who had lost most of their blood (Mother comes to mind) needed constant attention to stop them from dying. On the flipside though, I’m not sure how realistic it is for me to walk away from a Heli crash with just a fractured leg heh.

Overall, looking forward to the next op when I’ll finally get the 5th under my belt!

We don’t have medical supply crates. The big one does include medical stuff. The small one (right now) does not.

We were done 4 minutes early. Our Friday OPs go until 23:30.

Oh! My bad, I was pretty sure I was told they finished around 22:30, I’m probably misremembering or mixing up time zones again, my bad. I’ll keep that in mind for the future

[quote user_id=“3602631” avatar=“” name=“Shiny”][quote user_id=“319225” avatar=“” name=“Aether”]

At the start of the game, I was given permission to load a single supply box into the Bradly, but I didn’t know what they were since they are empty until you leave the base. Next time, assuming I get to Dagger again, I’ll load a medical supply crate instead of a general supply crate, depending on what Platoon requires.


We don’t have medical supply crates. The big one does include medical stuff. The small one (right now) does not.


Only saw this now, good to know.