Coop - Black Tomato Soup

Map: Altis
Time: 1200
Weather: Cloudy to Clear
Host: [user avatar=“” name=“Racoon”]3891983[/user]

Right. Listen up team! First and foremost, everything you are about to read is top secret classified information. This OPORD is coming straight from the president himself. I have chosen all of you because as you are well aware, you are simply the best. We have found oil on a remote island called Altis. There is just a slight issue. The locals have found it too. They want to keep it all to themselves! The bastards! I say we go in there and let them have a taste of freedom. There is just one problem… The civilians are under the protection of the Russian flag. Since the last war with the Russians just ended less than a year ago, we really don’t have any interest in starting another one. But damnit we need that oil! Luckily according to intel, they already dug up most of it, and seemed to have stored it in trucks. All we need to do is steal those trucks and make it look like an inside job. USA! USA!


I Situation:

We are on a top secret mission from the president himself to capture and collect oil trucks. We are to bring the oil trucks to the ship we came in, the USS Freedom. Before we can do this though, we will need to clear the beach by using all the force we brought with us. We expect heavy resistance. We also need to make sure we are not blamed for the attack, therefor we need to place a couple of rebel Russian corpses in the AO.

Friendly Forces:

[*] US Army


[] 1 AH-9 Pawnee
] 2 M1025A2 (M2)
[] 3 M1097A2 (2D/Open)
] 5 Assault boat
[] 2 UH-60M
] 1 Mk.V SOC
[] 1 UAZ-3151 (open)
*1 UAZ-3151 (open) is only intended for dead Russian setup, do not use!
All assets with the exception of Mk.V SOC are located on the carrier. They have to been flown off/on by the UH-60M. You only have two of those! Be careful.

Enemy Forces:

[] Russian Army (Russia (VDV))
] Enemy has set up heavy security in and near AO. Be careful


[*] Yes. But make sure you threaten them in not telling what you did.

II Mission:

You are to secure the beach west of Negades, clear the town of Negades of all enemies and witnesses. Then proceed east of Negades to the factory. Steal the oil trucks there and place the corpses of the dead Russian rebellions in the factory, these are provided on the carrier.

III Execution:

Commander’s intent

[] Secure the beach west of Negades.
] Clear the town of Negades. Deal with witnesses.
[] Steal (and fly) the oil trucks (at least 3) out of Factory (east of Negades) towards the carrier.
] Dump Russian rebellion corpses in the Factory AO.

Movement Plan

[] Secure the beach first, then the town, then the factory.
] Expect heavy security.

Fire Support

[*] No additional support.

Optional Tasks

[*] No optional tasks.


IV Administration / Logistics:




[] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed. Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal call this in through HQ.
[] At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements
] At predesignated times, an air transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base
[*] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO[/list][/indent]

Area of Operations:

Easy to read over but really important: The only way into the AO is a heads on approach of assaulting the beach. Attempting to deploy elsewhere might result in unnessecary casualties because of possible mines. Scouting ahead should therefor only be attempted by air or water.

Where are those minefield located?

Anywhere not on the beach marker.

We don’t know where the enemy has placed their mines. We assume to the north and south side from the beach, because that is the location that is being manned by enemy troops, therefor we know the beach is the only guaranteed safe entry point.