Coop - Big Bang

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I got some great footage and views of this mission in Zeus unfortunately I started using Shadow Play again and after watching this footage I remember why I stopped using it, so hope you enjoy the moving pictures with no sound just my mic :cry:

[youtube]Big Bang - YouTube

Loved the mission Dachi! Cool Spec Ops work with lots of tension while traveling & staying hidden. The shootout between Bravo & an enemy patrol while in boats was pretty funny.
I really liked the atmosphere of the mission, moving through the trees with Bravo towards & away from the last objective (great input from [user avatar=“” name=“Churizo”]3749902[/user]) with a Hind flying over our heads was tense.
Great work from everyone staying stealthy until the last minute & extracting fast!

Very nice just a little long on the travelling time to get there but that was a very minor point. Good idea to do the explosives training we needed it as there was still a mine going off and injuring people.

Really liked the mission :slight_smile:
As medic I only had to patch up one boo-boo the entire mission, which, in my eyes, shows how amazing we did being stealthy!

I did have 1 problem, not really mission related. From the very start I had radio difficulties. I could not hear Racoon (SL-Bravo) over the radio. I can’t say if it was only Racoon I couldn’t hear, might not have heard others but didn’t notice. I tried to reload (twice) and tried to disable-enable the Acre plugin, both without success. Racoon also reloaded his Acre but also without success.
I could hear others from Bravo over the radio, others could hear Racoon, and others could hear me. Local voice was working perfectly fine, could hear everyone there.

Hey guys a quick question.

Do you think that taking the platoon through some simple training while the Platoon Commander and SL’s plan is a good use of time?

I heard some people complaining but I only run the training until platoon was ready to go. Idea was to maximise use of time instead of just waiting around.

Let me know what you guys think?

Yeah, I don’t see why it would be a bad idea. We even talked about it in one of the monthly meetings and it was said that we should do it as much as we can.