Coop - Battle of the Bulge


Map: Montherme, Ardennes
Time: December 20th, Morning
Weather: Heavy Fog
Host: [user avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]3602631[/user]


I Situation:

We will be playing as the 101st Airborne.
After Operation Market Graden, the 101st Airborne Division was sent back for some RnR in Paris. On the 16th of December the Germans launched a massive attack on the Ardennes forest. To the allies, this was a complete surprise. The 101st are called back from their RnR and reinforce a city called Bastogne. In the start of our mission we will arrive at Bastogne and will be forced to move to FOB Cannon, where we will reinforce the 10th Armored Division.

Quick note, Engineers are an absolute must. Engineers are the only ones that can build trenches. We have a 1000 points budget. A foxhole costs 1 so we can supply every soldier with one, a gun trench costs 100, a MG nest costs 100 and a duo foxhole which also cost 100. MAT is highly suggested.


Friendly Forces:

[] 101st Airborne Regiment
] 10th Armored Division
[*] Able, Baker, MAT, Engineers, Platoon (Engineers is a must as they are the only ones that can build trenches)


[indent][list][*] 1 x captured PAK 40

Enemy Forces:

[] Panzer-Lehr-Division
] 2th SS-Panzerkorps
[] 15th Panzer-Grenadier Division
] 5th Fallschirm-Armykorps
[*] 26th Volksgrenadier Division


[*] No

II Mission:

It’s our mission to defend the main road into the town. Make sure none breaches the trenches and makes it to Bastogne. Our other elements will hold the flanks and we are to expect regular check ins from them and if not Platoon needs to ask for them.
Our lines are spread thin but we have to hold on. If the attacks get too rough we can call in the help of the 10th armored division with their Shermans. And if the sky clears up we can call in the air support.
But hold the line at all cost!

III Execution:

Commander’s intent

[] Travel to FOB Cannon
] Dig trenches and foxholes
[] Defend until we are relieved.
] If we are overrun, we pull back to Bastogne and defend there
[] If other FOBs get overrun we have to help out. Expect check ins regularly and if not then ask for them regularly.
] If we manage to withstand the attacks, we attack the town of Renwez and the FLAK battery in it.

Movement Plan

[] Move to FOB Cannon
] Hold the line

IV Administration / Logistics:


[*] Resupply will be conducted by reinforcements or we can drive back to Bastogne and get them. [/list][/indent]


[] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed. Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal, call this in through HQ.
[] At predesignated times, a transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base.
] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.

Area of Operations.

Trenches you can build.


How and where do you want which trenches. Which elements do you want to take. Who do you send away if one of your flanks is not responding?