Coop - Bah Abramia

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So the reinforcements hit a small bump on the way and got slightly jostled in the truck. Some nosebleeds and bitten tongues, nothing serious really.

I took a picture of the speedbump so we can be more careful around them in the future.

Oh and and in addition to spontaneous attempts at ski jumping, we also had a great mission so thanks for that!

Got some guys skylining


"ah shit", defined in picture

Good thing we shot down that chopper :smiley: [youtube]wRcKKeEcgFg[/youtube]

Those guys had not quite finished their paratroop training.

Great mission all around. Had a wonderful time, despite managing to die one in every stage of the mission (Perhaps on missions where we have no helmets, the AI’s aim should be tuned down a tad? Or maybe I was just terrifically unlucky.)

I loved the use of the Vehicles, and the part where Ozzie and Co. were stuck inside the police station waiting for reinforcements to arrive and rescue them was very exciting.

I’d like to note as well, that it seemed to me like our movement and coordination in urban environments was vastly improved for this Op. Grats all round, and particularly to my FTL, Chorizo. o7


Great mission [user avatar=“” name=“Teddy”]9240990[/user] ! It was good fun. It offered a lot of possibilities to accomplish the objectives & it led to interesting situations. The loadouts worked great & I liked the fact that we couldn’t use optics, it added up with the "limitations" of the gear.

Thanks a lot !

Thanks very much to Freghar for helping me out. With the technical problem towards the end it would have been difficult to manage without him there.

Thank you for mission. This was my first time on this island. Really nice map. I did like the beginning with the boats riding, city and the targets we came for a lot. For me it was very nice mission.
What I little bit missed was the enemy uniforms on pictures in mission briefing as you know who you can shoot forward.
and the enemy helikoptér with EI did not land with them, if it was intention (they got shot after min ot two howering too). I always have to use in Eden "move (on helikoptér sign)(wp trigger on helikoptér move sign)-vehicle get out-get out-xxx(search and destroy)-(circle)" after it works (for me). In this case i use pilot(whoever) like a group leader. I do not know how the Zeus mod but Eded is really sometimes painfull :slight_smile:
I died close the building in construction as I tried run from second side bc others got it from (i tought) some sniper on nord, but it was unlucky choice as i run into bullets storm from south.
What was good too, the enemies had not powerfull guns so it was realistic to survive the hits and "only" fall into unconscious.

Great mission, Thanks to Teddy and Freghar for a great mission.

Some stuff I’d like to note:
-Urban movement went quite well for all I could see.
-We should try to focus more on the objective. After destroying the aircraft there was no real reason to return to the town, especially on foot with a helo shooting us
-Helmets would have been nice, AI seems to get some crazy headshots which instantly kill without a helmet.
-try not to bunch up as much, this got FT yellow wiped out the first part of the mission

I really did enjoy the mission and would like the thank my fireteam for performing aswell as they did, looking forward to playing with you again.

Thanks Mother, I tested a Zeus "transport unload" command using an invisible helipad object before the mission. However, during the mission the helicopter did not want to land near the pad that had been placed in Eden. It did work later when the invisible helipad had been placed in Zeus. But you guys had already moved out and avoided the next wave of helicopter transported enemy troops so I don’t think you guys saw them. As long as the pad is placed in Zeus for Zeus spawned choppers then the pilot almost always lands near it, which is a nice little technique.