Coop - Altis Terminus

[spoiler=OPORD]Map: Altisi
Time: 1000
Weather: Heavy Storm
Host: Shadisica

Last week, we landed on Altis, along with the 212th mechanized and secured the eastern half of Altis. Since then, the assault has come to a bit of a standstill. The 212th are having difficulty dealing with remaining AAF in the hills to the north. The 532nd Armoured sent to take the historical capital, were stopped dead in their tracks in Agios Dionysios by dug in infantry and armour.


I Situation:

The 4th Special Forces have snuck past the frontline and will attack the ancient city of Kavala, taking some of the pressure off the 532nd, hopefully allowing them to break through. Kavala, in this stage of the war, has been under martial law for some time, most civilians have fled the city, but many took up arms to oppose the government. We do not know how they will respond to our presence in the city.

Friendly Forces:

[] 4th US Marine Special Forces
] PLT, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Mortar, Nightbird
[] 212th Mechanized
] 532nd Armoured


[indent][list][] UH-60M w/ minigun doorgunner for CAS and reinsert/resupply.
] A backpack of explosives (5xM112 charges 2xM57) and a scopebox

Enemy Forces:

[] Altis Armed Forces, at least a battalion left on the island
] While they have lost many and won few battles, those who have not yet surrendered or been killed are loyal till the end.


[*] There are some civilians left in the city, but most still in the city at this point have taken up arms in opposition to the AAF

II Mission:

Before entering the city, we must disable a battery of BM-21 rocket artillery trucks. In the city, a number of tasks are laid out for you.

III Execution:

Commander’s intent

[] Destroy the artillery battery (Objective OLYMPUS)
] Engage AAF in the city as you see fit
[*] Remain available for priority tasking

Movement Plan

[*] Movement at the commander’s discretion[/list][/indent]

Fire Support

[] Mortar team
] Nightbird

Optional Tasks

[] Objective HERACLES: A VIP In the city who has contacted us, claiming AAF are looking for him. He has his own escape plan ready, but requires an escort to it. Refuses to divulge more over radio.
] Objective MYSTRAS: A South American warlord turned military advisor to Altisean king. Has a standing Kill or Capture Order from INTERPOL
[] Objective TARTARUS: A POW camp containing the remains of the original EU troops captured on the main island.
] Objective ELYSIUM: An abandoned hospital currently occupied by the AAF. We would like to claim it and use it’s helipad as an airbridge to ferry out civilians and HVTs.
[] Objectives PHOBOS and DEIMOS: Two helos of ours were shot down over the city by shoulder-fired AA launchers. Try and find their crews, if possible.
] Any secured HVTs, survivors or civilians can be left safely at ELYSIUM and flown out at a later point.

IV Administration / Logistics:


[*] Resupply and reinsertions can be flown in from the Altis International Aeroport/list][/indent]


[] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
] Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
[] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal, call this in through HQ.
] At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in the smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements.
[] At predesignated times, an air transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base.
] At predesignated times, an armed escort vehicle will be sent out to escort reinforcements from the base.
[*] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.[/list][/indent][/spoiler]

Initial spawn is East of the city, respawns will be at base at the aeroport. Nightbird starts in base.
AA on the island outside of Kavala is considered no-fac, thanks to Falcon taking out all of the enemy AA in the previous mission.
The only requirement is that you complete objective Olympus first, the others can be completed in any order or not at all.

Why would anyone focus on other objectives then the main and phobos and deimos?

Because you were told to, all objectives are essentially tasks that need to be done at some point in the city. YOUR core objective is to draw attention away from the front, these objectives are just ways to achieve that. If you want to instead just hunker down somewhere and fight it out, that’s fair as well.

No I mean, I get the main task
But in optional there are loads of tasks and the one I posted seems to be the only one where our own forces are in danger. So why would others ever get priority over that one.

Then you can go and do those first, then circle back around to the other ones, or not do them at all, Like I said, pretty much everything is optional.

What happens if we capture ELYSIUM and then we move off to other objectives?



  • PLT
  • Nightbird
  • Alpha
  • Bravo
  • Charlie

Equipment and vics:

  • Bravo picks some explosive charges
  • Nightbird picks its birb


  1. Obj. OLYMPUS
    a. Fly in to LZ CHEESECAKE
    b. Alpha moves to A OW 1, they’ll be support squad tasked with providing security from the road SW as well as fire support on the objective
    c. Bravo moves to B WP 1 and if the military complex is clear proceeds to B OW 1
    d. Bravo moves in on the objective, clears the compound and place charges on the artillery vehicles
    e. Bravo falls back to B OW 2, sets the charges off and provide security N
    f. Alpha falls back to A OW 2 and provides security W
    g. Nightbird picks the platoon up from LZ CHEESECAKE and we head to obj ELYSIUM

  1. Obj. ELYSIUM
    a. Fly in to LZ JELLY
    b. Alpha and Bravo get in position to A OW 1 and B OW 1 respectively
    c. Once Bravo is set and if the area is clear, Alpha moves to A WP 1 and establishes security SW and NW
    d. Once Alpha is set, Bravo moves to B OW 2 as they’ll be support element and will provide security SW and NW
    e. Alpha moves in on the hospital, clears the building and once done will set up defending N
    f. Bravo moves to the hospital and sets up to defend the W and S sectors

  1. Once the hospital is secured for extractions and resupply, the platoon will focus on other objectives with priority:
    a. DEMOS
    b. PHOBOS
    d. MYSTRAS

Given the proximity of objs. PHOBOS and MYSTRAS, Alpha and Bravo may be split between MYSTRAS and TARTARUS.

Note: There is a significant storm over Altis atm, so landing the helicopter in the city, or any small spot, is going to be rather difficult. Shouldn’t affect the grand plan too much.

We can go on foot if necessary but it would be quite the jog. We’ll see, thanks for pointing it out