Coop - Aegean part 2

Please leave feedback on the mission, what you liked you didn’t like and share your stories or videos.

When it is done:


I’d like to comment on the mission, but I can’t.

This mission broke my game twice yesterday and once this morning in preview mode. Whoever is making missions, you need to be aware that Arma 3 engine has it’s limitations. Putting 500+ objects inside the editor will most certainly make it behave like a slouch. Many of them were not converted to simple objects.

I wasn’t able to play the mission.

Got black-screen halfway in the city (not even made contact with enemy) and had to restart my computer.
Then after waiting for re-insertion i was 5 minutes in the game and had directly frame drop to 3 fps with game-crash 30 seconds later…

i could not handle the frustration and left for good.

[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“” name=“Highway”]I’d like to comment on the mission, but I can’t.

This mission broke my game twice yesterday and once this morning in preview mode. Whoever is making missions, you need to be aware that Arma 3 engine has it’s limitations. Putting 500+ objects inside the editor will most certainly make it behave like a slouch. Many of them were not converted to simple objects.[/quote]
To be honest, this is mostly BI’s fault. The mission, while it could have less objects, isn’t anything crazy that wasn’t done before - we’ve certainly had crazier missions regarding objects used. The problem is that BI recently (v1.66) started using more memory for its own code and left much less for missions, resulting in out-of-memory without apparent cause. This has hit hard most big missions on steam (ie. Pilgrimage) where the higher settings of enemy counts simply crash the game.

It’s been said that bigger paging file helps against this, I don’t know how much that is true. BI’s solution is to move to 64bit, "hiding" any memory leaks (and there are some), but that’s still in development.

[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“” name=“Highway”]I’d like to comment on the mission, but I can’t.

This mission broke my game twice yesterday and once this morning in preview mode. Whoever is making missions, you need to be aware that Arma 3 engine has it’s limitations. Putting 500+ objects inside the editor will most certainly make it behave like a slouch. Many of them were not converted to simple objects.[/quote]

The ammount of objects was not a problem. There are much more ambitious missions. I could have removed some sure, but the main problem is altis and memory leaks on the server. My last ambitious mission, "Desert Valley" ran very smoothly, and had thousands of props making up an underground tunnel network I built from scratch out of rocks and bits of building.

I don’t know if anyone can make heads or tail of this uneducated investigation, but during my last mission a lot of people were experiencing memory leaks, whilst others were not. Graphics were rapidly changing from normal to their distant lod level (making them look like something from operation flashpoint) This is all indicative of a memory leak, and must have put immense strain on the server, so that even for those who had no problems, (and had the people with issues not been playing they would have experienced a normal mission). So something went wrong client-side too, something specific to altis, or perhaps memory allocators, and the game was very particular about it. During testing I thought aegean 2 would run fine, as I tested it and it ran smoothly on the server. But mixed with people experiencing the issue, it desynchronized everyone (people with like no frames per second because of memory leaks confused the player positioning of the server) So there must be some disrepancy between players, as zcribe’s point of view was almost error free, the only problems being a side effect of other people’s issues. I’d be interested to know which people were using mallocs or not.

I’m going to be cancelling operation aegean, since altis has problems. I’ll be moving on to something else instead, on an arma 2 map.

[quote user_id=“11583892” avatar=“” name=“Dulabu”]I wasn’t able to play the mission.

Got black-screen halfway in the city (not even made contact with enemy) and had to restart my computer.
Then after waiting for re-insertion i was 5 minutes in the game and had directly frame drop to 3 fps with game-crash 30 seconds later…

i could not handle the frustration and left for good.[/quote]
I had the same symptoms. About 4 FPS for a minute or two and then black screen, where after the game is very hard to close.

What are we going to do now? I have issues with less than 100 objects on Altis (see tech support thread). Give up on the game? Revert to vanilla? I am using default malloc.

Tuesday’s mission was on Stratis and ran ok. Maybe we should temporarily use small maps. I don’t know, it’s frustrating. I am sorry Price, I know you have spent a lot of time creating the mission. It looked very promising but instead we have to talk about technical issues. Meh.

[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“” name=“Highway”]What are we going to do now? I have issues with less than 100 objects on Altis (see tech support thread). Give up on the game? Revert to vanilla? I am using default malloc.

Tuesday’s mission was on Stratis and ran ok. Maybe we should temporarily use small maps. I don’t know, it’s frustrating. I am sorry Price, I know you have spent a lot of time creating the mission. It looked very promising but instead we have to talk about technical issues. Meh.[/quote]

Just stay off of Altis. We have plenty of maps that DO work perfectly fine. It’s not a huge loss.

Just want to mention that i’m really sorry for the Mission Maker who put a lot of effort in something that get fucked over by game engine…

Anyway you guys are AwesomE !!!

[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“” name=“Highway”]What are we going to do now? I have issues with less than 100 objects on Altis (see tech support thread). Give up on the game? Revert to vanilla? I am using default malloc.

Tuesday’s mission was on Stratis and ran ok. Maybe we should temporarily use small maps. I don’t know, it’s frustrating. I am sorry Price, I know you have spent a lot of time creating the mission. It looked very promising but instead we have to talk about technical issues. Meh.[/quote]

I suppose you could submit a ticket on the arma dev bug report system, or vote up an existing one.

I think it’s out of our hands and bohemia will fix it eventually. (although breaking something else in the process)

[quote user_id=“16558368” avatar=“” name=“zcribe”]Please leave feedback on the mission, what you liked you didn’t like and share your stories or videos.

When it is done:


I love how you spent the whole mission stealing tyres like youths from Manchester.

The typical giveaway is the game freezing for 2-3 seconds, then - if you’re lucky - you can see all (terrain/non-terrain) objects disappear and the game spawning them in, as a circle going outwards with you as the center. This is I believe a "last resort" logic of the allocator to free some memory and apparently doesn’t always work (can crash).

Since that has been happening to me quite often on Liberation (and now on BMR Insurgency) and since BI updated their default allocator quite recently, I’m gonna try xtbbmalloc ( xtbbmalloc - A custom memory allocator for A3 - ARMA 3 - COMMUNITY MADE UTILITIES - Bohemia Interactive Forums ) to see if it helps. At least until we switch to 64bit.

Since I’m crashing anyway, I figured - how much worse can it get?

[quote user_id=“9116490” avatar=“” name=“Price”]
I love how you spent the whole mission stealing tyres like youths from Manchester.[/quote]

I am from Manchester. What can I say. It’s in my blood.

I am sincerely very close on just uninstalling the damn game. I literally don’t care what’s the reason, nor should I. After paying for 3 expansions and them come out with a bug like this, after years of development, they might as well sod off.

Ok, if you want to help resolving this issue, post your rpt and minidump files to this thread >

[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“” name=“Highway”]Ok, if you want to help resolving this issue, post your rpt and minidump files to this thread >[/quote]

Consider also opening a new thread on the homepage. tech support seems quick and somewhat helpful at least