Coop - Additional Efforts (LyO)

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How Berenton drives…

P.S. Has the IMG tag broken?

It isn’t, you must use the proper Imgur link, as you will be offered several.
The proper one seems to be this one:<image_name>.jpg

The coordination between the Mortar Team, DMT, Dagger & Alpha was truly enjoyable. It really felt like a good combined arms operation. The Mortar was particularly useful to strike enemy positions that could not be engaged directly such as enclosed compounds or sets of buildings. It made the infantry movement all around safer.

Small problem with the mortar though, the smoke rounds are not very effective the way I tried to use them i.e. to create smoke screens. The smoke is really sparse & I think it would be more effective to use them directly on enemy positions after a strike to limit the visibility of the potentially remaining threats.

I thought Shakan’s (PLT) decision to leave me (SL) in charge of calling the Mortar & Dagger supports was interesting & worked quite well. It enhanced the overall situational awareness & communication. Kept me busy but Seb & Churizo did a tremendous job leading their fireteam so the micromanagement was minimal on my part.

Thanks a lot for the mission Zjosua !

Maybe [user avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]13633351[/user] can do something about it? i think he changed other smokes and flares a while ago! This would be awesome to use and i really liked your initiative to use the smoke mortar had to offer. To bad it didn’t worked out as planned!

About the Mission:
Like i said in debrief: I liked the mission overall. And again; Guys who stepping up as Leaders, you are awesome and you are doing great! Had a lot of fun and some recordings i may put on youtube.

[quote user_id=“11583892” avatar=“” name=“Dulabu”]

Maybe [user avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]13633351[/user] can do something about it? i think he changed other smokes and flares a while ago! This would be awesome to use and i really liked your initiative to use the smoke mortar had to offer. To bad it didn’t worked out as planned!

About the Mission:
Like i said in debrief: I liked the mission overall. And again; Guys who stepping up as Leaders, you are awesome and you are doing great! Had a lot of fun and some recordings i may put on youtube.[/quote]

Yeah improving those smokes would be awesome. Having the possibility to create real smoke screens from a distance to cross large open spaces would be very useful in such missions as this one. Crossing an airfield is never comfortable.
Regarding the initiative to use them, I was often reminded by both Shakan & Teddy the mortar had those rounds so the credit goes to them.

Thank you for the compliment regarding the leadership roles. If the people who were playing have feedback regarding the leadership overall (briefing, communication, decision making, map markers…), I’d gladly hear about it to try & improve !

Adding smoke "puffs" isn’t hard, but making Arma draw them is. There is some dynamic limit on how much effects the game can display/render - I go over it with the Carl Gustav smokes just by having a shit-ton of subeffects, most of them disappear, but the ones that stay still create a significant cloud.

What I’m trying to say is that it in practice may be possible, but it would take a lot of trial-and-error work.

If anybody’s interested, look in the CfgCloudlets config.

P.S. [user avatar=“” name=“Ryujin”]11355973[/user] i saw what you did, was on VISCOM :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for creating all this missions on Lingor, I very like thet idea about fighting all island. Looking forward to other missions and in future hopefully on other maps too :slight_smile:

[user avatar=“” name=“Spartak”]13751607[/user] I was being stupid -.-’