conquer the island! breaking point

In the meantime I know there are a few guys of you which play BP. Maybe there are a few more which are not yet playing but are interested===> :wink:
Personally for me its much more fun to play in a group! So I would like to do something like an OP in breaking point.

The idea that i have is to equipe and gear up individually or in the group and organise some vehicles armored or just transport vehicles. Maybe even a helo for airsupport. The guys who knows BP sees the difficulty here. But i am sure we can manage this together :thumb:
After this part is managed and organised we could do a convoy along the hotspots and conquer the island!

The planning isn’t detailed yet, because i just would like to check the interest of you guys first.
If you are intrested give me a feedback! Other ideas? Would you like to join? Also if you would like to help with the organisation and planning!

Maybe a first step could be to extend our haven in pyrgos(EU2). So we could store gear to equipe everyone.

Now its up to you guys!


I’m so in.

Yep, up for it. Can you maybe send a PM with coordinates and screenshots of our hideout to everyone from CNTO BP Legion?

CNTO Legion:

Were not the havens wiped?

I’m also very interested! Please send me an invite to the CNTO legion also!


Supreme - invite sent, check BP forums for PM.

I believe I will sign up as well.
I do not know what amount of time I’ll have for this, but my old DayZ itch has returned and the urge to play a game mode like it is… overwhelming.

[quote user_id=“1171274” avatar=“” name=“Abuk”]Yep, up for it. Can you maybe send a PM with coordinates and screenshots of our hideout to everyone from CNTO BP Legion?

CNTO Legion:

[] [user avatar=“” name=“Dulabu”]11583892[/user]
] [user avatar=“” name=“Grey”]12902864[/user]
[] [user avatar=“” name=“Teddy”]9240990[/user]
] [user avatar=“” name=“John”]11704860[/user]
[] [user avatar=“” name=“Xander”]12587882[/user]
] [user avatar=“” name=“Swipp”]12246732[/user]
[] [user avatar=“” name=“Hellfire”]12674862[/user]
] [user avatar=“” name=“Cob”]12877878[/user]
[*] [user avatar=“” name=“Abuk”]1171274[/user]

I’ll give you guys the grid refs etc. as soon as i am at home.

Yes they were but we already made a new one. But we just locked the building so far. So we need boxes or safes. We already made a crate next to the haven so we could store industrial material to build things. I’ll give you the grid refs from this one too.
The major thing and at the same time the most difficult thing to find is reinforced steel.

A imput from Dulabu was that we could do it on the EU4 mercenary server. This would be more fun because of the Ego perspective. But usually there are a little bit less players on. But this point we could discus as well.

So far i’ am happy that so many of you are up to this!

Just started playing breaking point please get me added to the Legion name is NoDachi.

Cheers hope to see you all on soon.

Invited. Check BP forums for PM.

im in as well

So you have a pilot now

PMs with info to the haven are sent! If someone needs more PM me.

I am new at BP, I’d like to join also, when I have time, please invit me, and see you there, see you on ts. thx

I’m 100% IN :slight_smile:

Could I get a legion invite / PM to Colabear?

Just reiterating that I too would like an invite. I don’t believe I’ve had anything yet. (that said, I’m not acquainted with the BP forums. Tell me if I’m missing something).

I would like to join if that’s possible ;o

So guys we have to decide. EU#2? with Veteran mode or EU#4 with mercenary.
Pro EU#4 is defenitly the first person view.
Contra is the average number of players.
On the Eu#2 we already have a haven. But i think we could manage to build up very quickly a new one on EU#4.

What do you guys think?

I have no idea what the difference is between the two. And if you just tried to explain the difference, I’m sorry, but it went over my head.

1st person camera only vs. 1st+3rd person