Community Prizes

Hey Guys,

In honour of my new son Harvey born on the 23rd of June at 22:40 GMT. I will be giving away some prizes to the community.

What are the Prizes:

1st Prize = 1 copy of Arma 3 Apex DLC

2nd Prize = £10 gift voucher on Steam

3rd Prize = £5 gift voucher on Steam

How to win:

  • Turn up to events (always there).

  • Get noticed on events for being a valuable addition to the team (good team player).

  • All round nice guy (everyone loves you).

How it will be judged:

I will be the primary judge but I will also ask other staff members opinion. Community members can also nominate people in this thread with a reason why you think they should win.

SSgt’s and myself can’t win the prizes so specialists and below good luck!!!

Cut off for the competition is the 11.07.16.

On the 11th I will post the results and pm those that have won.

Why does this have to be on, while I’m on graduation-celebration week and can’t attend?..

But seriously gratz on the boy Dachi hope everything went smoothly with the delivery. I’m looking forward to hearing baby noices in the background while on ops now :wink:

Congratulations, Dachi! All the best!

Why did I just read this so late… congratulations man!!
Don’t forget the extra computer in a few years, another owl is born! :thumb:
Much love to the family !

Hey guys,

Just realised it’s the 12th so a day late but I will post the results tonight when I have access to my computer. Don’t worry I will also check to see already owns Apex before gifting it and if you recieve a friend request from me on Steam then add me so I can gift it to you or 2nd and 3rd Prize.

Anyway good luck!

So Zjosua has won 1st Prize for turning up to loads of events and working hard in leadership roles and being all round an awesome CNTO MEMBER.

Awesome, thanks!

Cob has won 2nd prise and Dulabu has won 3rd place!!

Gift card codes in bound soon.

Wohoo! Congratulations to the parents!