Community Get Together

Hello All,

I was talking to [user avatar=“” name=“Seneram”]13308112[/user] and he was telling me about an awesome Airsoft event in Sweden every April on for a couple of days and was seriously thinking about going and camping out there for the event.

Would any of you guys want to turn it in to a community get together, I think it could be really great?

Anyway I hope Seneram will be able to post more about the event here etc and that some of you are interested!

Cheers for reading,

I can probably manage some drinking around then. What part of Sweden would it be in? I have a friend I’ve been meaning to visit so I could probably roll it into one.

Hey man I am hoping Seneram will post the details here so all can see but in the mean time here is some of the luggage I am thinking of taking :d

If I’m available, in 100% down for this.

And for you Dachi, here’s mine :wink:

Sweden is a bit too far for me, so my baby will remain on RnR…

Shit… fucking April… why April? DAMN YOU SWEDEN!!! I’ll be more busy studying for my final exams in April… Oh man I would love to come there :confused:

June, Not april, Here’s link to the event. I will be signing up within a month. I would like if people interested poked me so we can sign up as a squad.

I will be organizing sleeping area prior to event and help organizing travel details. I recommend for those that want to to land in arlanda first. Sleep over at my place or the village events building (depends on how many we are, if enough i will rent that building) And i will then hold a BBQ over midsummer, We then go up to event by car a day or two prior.

Contact me for more details and organizing.

I have ordered 10 patches from abuk aswell so those that come will get one for free and we will go to event as "CNTO" squad.

Please do not order any tickets prior to poking me if you wish to go as a squad.

I forgot to mention, If someone wish to come but dont have weapons then i own way to many guns so you can borrow from me.

Current list of guns is: AKM, AK74, M4, 2 MP5 SD6, MP5A2, SL8, Some kind of sniper (Similar to an MB12A), a couple of different pistols and ofcourse an grenade launcher(B&T GL-05).

Might have forgot something but in short. People can borrow stuff.

It’s very tempting… What sort of thing do you need to buy/is provided?

EDIT: I’ve read the website and I’d love to do this actually, most I’ve ever played is paintball though so I’m not sure of what to do.

When holidays are over i will hold a teamspeak meeting about what/how/when. I will post details here a week ahead.

Sounds good mate looking forward to it as I have been given permission to go by the Boss (wife).

Okay guys, Lets make a preliminary time for the meeting at 16:00 CEST on sunday. If this does not work for people we will try and make a new appointment.

Sounds good to me.

Just out of curiosity have you been before Seneram?

A few things.

Sorry about that i did not make the meeting i made myself. Unfortually ive had some things going on with personal life that put everything not 100% critical on hold (Death and some other stuff of close relative)

  1. Yes i have been there a few times befor and filled the role as squad command prior at berget.

  2. Lets hold the meeting in conjunction with most peoples paycheck and the weekend as such. so the 28th. Shall we say 18:00 saturday 28th? If not working for you guys then poke me.

I will personally make my booking (I am registering as squad leader if noone have any objections about that) end of this month and pay for my ticket. If others want me to help out with bookings and make sure you end up in same squad then try to be at the meeting the 28’th

I will have more info for you all the 28th regarding: Transports, Weapons, Sleeping area prior and after game and also the "Midsummers eve feast" that i usually hold in conjunction with Berget (Midsummers eve is weekend prior to berget), Camouflage/team we will play and other important information.

See you guys then!

No problem mate will speak to you on the 28th!

I’m certainly interested, but I’ve never played airsoft before and have no idea what I’d be in for/what kit I need. Can’t make the 28th though, any chance you could leave some kind of summary?

I did show to the meeting but didn’t see anyone and had to go. Third time lucky?

This has attracted my attention too, but sadly after the time of the meeting that you held. Is there a way you can pass on some information here? As the group of interested people grows bigger, you might have to repeat yourself several times otherwise. Better to get it down in writing I guess :slight_smile:
Best regards,

I am looking at booking flights next month hopefully we can get a meeting going before that.

I’m looking at buying tickets this month before they go up in price, so I’d like to get a meeting going before then to get teams and stuff sorted, up to you Seneram.