Co-op - Ruined

This thread is for AARs regarding the Ruined Mission

If nothing else I got to watch Ferghar give himself a selfie…

Hey guys I played the medic in this mission but ended up doing very little as the medic.

I really loved the bolt action rifles it was a totally different dynamic to our usual missions and I love the fact we started to run low on ammo with people swapping and sharing mags and people getting worried about lack of rounds it really helps make the situation that little bit more intense wondering if your gonna run out of rounds on the next assault.

From what I saw and heard the move into the objective was great and the defense just as good, one point from me for the GM there were quite a few moments with no action after taking the objective, but I loved the use of mortars to force us back. There were a lot of times I saw guys bunching up so if I were GM I probably wouldn’t have been so kind and set some mortars off earlier :wink:

On the whole another nice mission from Anders, look forward to whatever he comes up with next.

Thanks for the kind words Dachi.

I’m always scared using artillery because some people love it right on top of them and for others it can ruin a mission getting killed by it. You can’t really fight it when you’re on the ground but in this mission I saw it as the only option to suppress you guys before I rolled in the last attack.

Goat had a good idea that I should’ve used walking artillery (Think that’s the word). I still don’t think you would’ve moved though but it might have scared you a little more if the strikes came towards you.

My main problem was the range where you guys could engage the enemy successfully. It was way too much for the AI. where Ryujin had placed the MMG meant that you were able to engage both the enemies attacking the rocks but also the ones attacking the ruins. Even the ones popping up on the flanks of the ruins about 50 meters away MMG were more effective at engaging than the ruins element. I would love if we could make the AI engage from further away. Only MMG carriers engaged from the other side of the forest and that resulted in the rest of the AI element just laying around.

[quote user_id=“4259784” avatar=“” name=“Anders”]Thanks for the kind words Dachi.

I’m always scared using artillery because some people love it right on top of them and for others it can ruin a mission getting killed by it. You can’t really fight it when you’re on the ground but in this mission I saw it as the only option to suppress you guys before I rolled in the last attack.

Goat had a good idea that I should’ve used walking artillery (Think that’s the word). I still don’t think you would’ve moved though but it might have scared you a little more if the strikes came towards you.

My main problem was the range where you guys could engage the enemy successfully. It was way too much for the AI. where Ryujin had placed the MMG meant that you were able to engage both the enemies attacking the rocks but also the ones attacking the ruins. Even the ones popping up on the flanks of the ruins about 50 meters away MMG were more effective at engaging than the ruins element. I would love if we could make the AI engage from further away. Only MMG carriers engaged from the other side of the forest and that resulted in the rest of the AI element just laying around.[/quote]

Yeah man I love to walk Arty onto your guys positions it is the best way to indicate that they better start moving soon or they will get hit, plus it is realistic to have mortars come in then adjust onto target it is just kind of us GM’s to not destroy people with it, like in Broken Arrow I had arty walked up behind you guys trying to force you forward and then it was right on top of you and you moved so it can be a great GM tool if used correctly :).

Oh and totally get what you mean our positions were really good especially MMG they could see that whole Northern sector for a long way off.

I think I was the only one that moved when mortars started landing - I assumed they were zeroing in the rocks position (full of bunched up friendlies) and the next shots would land at/near it. In my tiny opinion, if there was a well positioned spotter, they should have. :slight_smile: According to some lore, unless a position was pre-designated for the enemy at a mission start, the first shells rarely land at the target - they land nearby and the spotter communicates with the artillery to adjust for the next set of rounds, which are then more accurate. Not saying that this has to happen every time, as that would make mortars a pretty sedate "yeah, let’s finish the tea and move" tool, but IMHO you can use them like that. Other times, if players stick very long on a position that the enemy artillery has exact adjustments for, and a spotter can confirm a juicy artillery target, make it real, man. We need to get better at the tactics thing.

I don’t know if fear of players having a bad time because they died to a mortar shell is real. I died to a very random single bullet at the start of the second mission and was kind of fine with it - both of these things happen, it makes Arma … well, Arma. Without them, I have no reason to play, because I feel like a kid with a dull knife because somebody feared I would cut myself.

ASR AI can engage at long ranges, but they need to "see" the players. I’ll try to make an Ares command to "reveal" the players you select to a selected AI group, this could help. Also, doing suppression should now finally work.

I really enjoyed it, like always. Loving this community. Sorry I left early, but I was pretty tired and had trouble keeping my eyes open :frowning:

About artillery, GMs, I think you should be more ruthless. As freghar put it. It feels like we’re being given artificial safety measures. Sure give us creeping artillery to give us a warning that the next shells will land on our heads, but if people don’t move, punish them! It’s their fault for not grabbing adaquate cover from the shrapnel or for getting the heck out of there. Numpties. Artillery should be a method of area denial. And if GM wants to deny us an area he should.

It was my first mission in this group and I really enjoyed it. K98 at first put me off a little but grew on me when I got to shoot some opfor from 400+m. I was confused little by opositions seeming lack of plan. Squads moved in one after another and so did cars. I suppose the logical reason for it is to let us focus on specific threat thus improving gameplay experience. Still I would’ve liked to see more manouver from enemy when unit weights are comparable. But as I said my first mission so I may have missed something.

Ammo problems that occured were actually a great teaching tool and a great idea. Really made us conserve and work for our ammo. One of the things nobody in games usually thinks about. Great idea!

About artillery I would agree with Freghar. You don’t neccesarily need the crawling artillery since thats not really how it is ever used unless large assault is following it. Just simulate a bad spotter with faulty equipment using the fork method of artillery correction: 1 round in front, 1 round behind, repeat ever getting closer to the intended target (interchangable or co-used with left to right). Use the 60mm mortar if you are afraid. That thing is barely larger than a grenade but drives the message home. Since artillery is often more about psychological effect than actual casualties.

Thanks for the feedback guys. Seems like the mortars aren’t as big of a problem than I’ve thought. Otherwise the people against it are too afraid to say something now XD

I’m glad that you liked the mission and I’ll try to be a little more ruth next time the bombs hit :wink:

[user avatar=“” name=“Anders”]4259784[/user] I don’t know how you do artillery, but you can just place down the mortars, create like a nice position somewhere, then put a spotter on some good position, in a bush, etc., and use Ares artillery markers and artillery fire modules to make the mortars physically fire the rounds. This IMHO adds to the immersion and makes a good excuse to do recon (aerial or otherwise), finding these priority targets.
In addition, you can fire smoke shells, covering enemy approach or something.

(Also, not every mission should have an enemy mortar team available.)