Co-op - Rightous Sword

Please post feedback for the mission here.

Hey Zcribe,

From mission making point of view it was a great mission. I loved the use of the limited space of the island and the 2 possible approach routes even though we used the one.

Liked the total stealth aspect of it even though we went load pretty quickly. Having the EN infantry using flashlights was really well done. Also great detail on the Prison area and placement of the enemy.

Only thing I heard was the sirens which seemed bugged.


I quite liked this mission, the stealth element was fun, though, as usual, we managed to make that last for ages…
As PLT lead I was trying to give my SLs fairly general objectives and let them come up with plans to do it, which seemed to work out ok for the most part. The flare robots seemed to make it so I only used my NV rarely during the middle part, but they did make some sense.
As ever when I’m in charge; it seems it was quite bloody, and I would encourage SLs to use their initiative a bit more: call for a retreat, call in CAS (or at least request it and I can call it in), report more to me so I can get a better idea of what’s going on. If I weren’t in the thick of it I might have struggled to understand what was happening a bit more.

Couldn’t sleep because some drunk guy punched other guys GF in the face. Resulting in a fight close to my window so here is the Zeus viewpoint:


[quote user_id=“16558368” avatar=“” name=“zcribe”]Couldn’t sleep because some drunk guy punched other guys GF in the face. Resulting in a fight close to my window so here is the Zeus viewpoint:


So, where is the zeus viewpoint of this fight? Haha
Good video, awesome to see and reflect on my command of bravo, thanks!

Did anyone else record this? I would like to see the players viewpoint of the mission.