Co-op - Red Hammer

Please post feedback for the Co-op Mission: Red Hammer.

As the commander of Dagger i did not see a ton of infantry action, but my take away is that the sheer amount of BMPs did do that if dagger died the infantry was fucked because they can not in any way carry enough AT to kill em all.

I did have a lot of fun even though we lost dagger 3 times. i lead the initial convoy and crashed us right in the enemy and might have kick started the whole "bronze" disaster that ended up killing a lot of us. i apologize for that.

all in all a decent mission that i enjoyed :slight_smile:

good work zscribe


I had a great time. I got a good shot on a btr. Unfortunately three more pulled up. We got out alive though. Not a single casualty at the end there.

A tiny glimpse into the life of Dagger 1 :slight_smile: [youtube]QZux-wCr6ck[/youtube]

As gunner of dagger (and driver after the last re-insert) I had quite a good time. The fragility of the BTRs meant that they were never really a threat to us (except when I was turned out to navigate those damn trees) but they were so many of them. None of them seemed to be carrying any infantry, though, which felt a bit wierd (I’m pretty sure I killed more BTRs than infantry). We died three times, and on all times it was due to infantry getting too close (though the third was due to being detracked by ugls, dismounting then getting shot), so I think our deployment could have been a little better.
There could have been less BTRs with more dismounted infantry attacking us, and a few BMPs mixed in so we can’t just shoot the wheels off. It’s always a challenge to not get carried away in IFVs so hopefully we left enough for the infantry to do.

As driver in Dagger I liked the part of this mission fought in the woods. It was a nice battleground and the enemy here was well sorted. I didn’t really like that we had to attack elektro. It’s one of the most popular places for missions and I was actually really looking forward to this defence styled mission. I don’t know if the mission was meant to have this "Oh shit they’re already here!" feeling but it didn’t really cut it for that. It felt a little akward when we suddenly took fire at Elektro.

About the movement I think dagger was very effective when posed far away. When we were sitting on the top of the mountain after 3rd respawn we were amazing but as soon as the ei got close we had no chance. Especially in the woods going up hill.

My mission and my Zeusing.

Explaining the reasoning behind some of the design concepts:

By design this defense line was a secondary attack in grand scheme. As in the main larger force was battling somewhere else outside AO thus the constant flow of old BTRs and conscript infantry. Although it had actually some BMP-s mixed in.(At first everything was called BMP later everything was a BTR. Dagger had a good dominant position so only T-72 would’ve been a match when shooting got good and actually destroyed plenty of BMPs.) It being a secondary attack is also the logic behind only having mortar support not artillery since by doctrine they concentrate the artillery on a breaktrough point which this was not. As in 1 unit gets everything and everyone else just lives with it.Another critisism was mortar not realistically catching up. My reasoning behind that was using them only close to the border. I should’ve dismissed some of the realism or atleast my idea of it for a better experience here.

Initial wipe
Initial wipe which was where the scenario went wrong was most likely caused by OPORD which was taken as 100% perfect intel. This is my mistake for not being familliar enough with how things work in the group yet. Also it it didn’t bring out exact urgency and desperation that I wanted to include in it. I assumed that the words reduced-battallion, russian assault and having a 2-3 squads of men would drive the point home. Something I will try to make clearer next time. Also not mark markers which could be already taken over. Didn’t expect 2 recon fireteams and a single BTR on the hill to cause a wipe either. Anoher thing to learn from.

Another design issue I would like to add myself was that the artillery support I gave didn’t seem too useful. Too little ammo I am guessing. Wanted to make the ammo mostly SMK based but wasn’t able to design it that way so reduced general ammo instead. Just seemed like a throwaway.

As Seneram said maybe I should’ve had some static stuff up at the Bronze aswell since you managed to delay significantly the OPFOR. Also would you guys have preferred to have a heroic death scenario at the end in the Bronze or atleast have the last stand last much longer?

Some stuff about the AI. Most of the mech inf didn’t have INF loaded since AI is too dumb to mount it unless 10km from battle so they won’t move. Even "Force WP" can do little for infantry. My Google research shows that there really isn’t a way to turn off their "Danger mode" to force them to do stuff. So I often ended up moving them manually or remote controlling. It is like having to manage someone elses spoiled brat.

In general I feel that the mission just didn’t live up to the expectations mostly. What was expected was a consistent retreat from Silver to Gold and non-stop combat. Which was the general design idea. What it turned into was 30 mins of transit+planning, 60 mins of messing around in the Bronze and transit to Iron, 30 mins in Iron and what left in Gold.

Now after wall of text on issues, things I liked:

  • The despreate escape by few survivors in the initial Bronze wipe. That was truly heroic. Under constant fire moving back and managing the escape.
  • The forest scanning on the second Bronze approach.
  • The antics of IFV in the forest.
  • Good defense of Iron. (Had to actually flank with INF to crack it.)
  • Use of the CIV vehicles I put there.
  • Price as recon after Iron?
  • Defense in Gold was really solid. (Did some flanking from the left but it was closed down pretty soon)

All-in-all will learn and improve. Did you guys like the concept of the mission? Would you like to see something similar in far future?

As I said before: all in all I had fun and it felt different to stuff before.

[quote user_id=“16558368” avatar=“” name=“zcribe”]Another design issue I would like to add myself was that the artillery support I gave didn’t seem too useful. Too little ammo I am guessing. Wanted to make the ammo mostly SMK based but wasn’t able to design it that way so reduced general ammo instead. Just seemed like a throwaway.
Can be done using setMagazineTurretAmmo, although it’s not easy as you need to extract a few values from the vehicle itself for it to work (ie. turret "path").

[quote user_id=“16558368” avatar=“” name=“zcribe”]
Even "Force WP" can do little for infantry. My Google research shows that there really isn’t a way to turn off their "Danger mode" to force them to do stuff.[/quote]
Did you set the behaviour on the waypoint or just left defaults? The action forces WP behaviour onto the group, but if no behaviour was set, there’s nothing to force. That being said, while the functionality works, it doesn’t have as big effect on ASR AI as it does on vanilla AI. :frowning:

You can also move units into vehicles by dragging them (ie. entire squads) onto the vehicle icon. To make them insta-dismount, select the vehicle and press "G".

I will need to do some testing on that to see if I can get it working. Not at any level in scripting but will try.

I assume you mean if there existed a waypoint already that I was trying to force. If so then yes. If not then I don’t understand the question. Isn’t there a way to circumvent atleast the ASR AI protocols to force AI? All-in-all it seems an issue with BI hardcording the automatic entrance into "Danger" mode and the inability of vanilla zeus to force AI action. I wonder if the methods people use for cheating could circumvent these limits somehow. Freezing some memory values or disabling memory overwrites for short term on specific units. Wild speculation though.

Thanks for the Zeus tips. Surely will come handy. Do you know of a way to bind specific Zeus functions to keyboard buttons? For example the Remote control?

[quote user_id=“16558368” avatar=“” name=“zcribe”]I assume you mean if there existed a waypoint already that I was trying to force. If so then yes. If not then I don’t understand the question. Isn’t there a way to circumvent atleast the ASR AI protocols to force AI? All-in-all it seems an issue with BI hardcording the automatic entrance into "Danger" mode and the inability of vanilla zeus to force AI action. I wonder if the methods people use for cheating could circumvent these limits somehow. Freezing some memory values or disabling memory overwrites for short term on specific units. Wild speculation though.

Thanks for the Zeus tips. Surely will come handy. Do you know of a way to bind specific Zeus functions to keyboard buttons? For example the Remote control?[/quote]
"Force WP behaviour" doesn’t make the unit go to the WP. It only takes things like stance, combat mode, formation, etc. set on the waypoint and forces the group properties to be the same as on the WP. So if you set Aware (yellow) on the WP, the group will always be Aware (yellow) until it reaches the WP (and the WP disappears). So yes, it works only if the group has an active waypoint and it works only for that one waypoint.

You can remote control with left ctrl + double click, it’s an Ares feature. :slight_smile: … Or ACE interaction (not self-interaction) while in Zeus.

For loading teams into transport I learnt recently while watching videos that you can select a group and drag into the transport avoiding the painful AI manual loading.

EDIT Sry Freghar didn’t read the whole thread!