CNTO Video

Hey guys. So I’ve been recording most of the Op’s I’ve been on but I’ve never actually put any footage out. In truth, I was saving it as much as I could to make a highlight reel style video that CNTO could use as promotional material. Something 3-4 minutes long that might grab interest.

I’ve had some great times with you all on the Ops and I love being part of this community.

Finally, today. I can say that I’ve finished that video and release it. So here you guys go, hope you enjoy it.


Nice video mate :thumb:

Great video!

o7 Manly tears


great video, hope there will be more soon.

Class in a glass!

Hey guys. Thanks for the huge positive feedback here. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Hopefully, I aim to make more things like this in future when I acquire more footage and if the mission making team ever get around to it (nudge nudge), I should hopefully have some interesting missions coming out too. Glad to give back to a community that has been so welcoming.

[user avatar=“” name=“Skippy”]14911388[/user] make sure to take full advantage of the footage I’ve gathered, since I’m bad at content creation I record for the dual purpose of archive and community-powered video editing, you can download the files from my server ( )

Glad to take submissions from anyone! Footage is always good and I’d love to do a huge community project video one day! (Link is broken btw)

Yeah, probably because of the parenthesis, I edited the link.

Yeah. All working now. Thanks for killing my download for the next five hours :smiley:

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