CNTO Merchandise

Ka-ka owl - The official Ka-ka can now be on your mug or chest, or even on your wall as a clock :slight_smile:
CNTO logo - Just the logo available as sticker, on a mug or phone cover. (also leggings)

We have been talking about creating some merchandise and I got so excited that I thought of a possibility. The main issue with merchandise is that we cannot ship because of costs and storage.

A possible solution is RedBubble. You upload a design on this website, and they make your stuff when somebody orders it. They take most of the money (since they do the printing and shipping) but the designer gets a percentage (10-20%) of the money. In this case there is literally no risk or loss.

What I need from the community now!
I need idea’s for designs and would like to hear if people would even buy stuff, and if yes which stuff (tshirt, stickers, mug?). The reason for this is that I would need to manually put these options ‘on’ and put the logo somewhere appropriate.

I would obviously donate any profit I’d make on my RedBubble account to CNTO.

To give an idea of what it would look like or what the options are, I took the CNTO logo and just copy pasted it as an option. This took me 10 minutes. I also took the liberty of creating CNTO leggings for the girls ([user avatar=“” name=“Hadassa”]853677[/user] [user avatar=“” name=“Shails”]13750996[/user] no need to thank me).

Ideas so far are:

  • An dagger vehicle with some funny texts
  • Missfire in sneaky situation (someone spotted by missfire)
  • backblast gone wrong in someones face

In general:

  • Less square pictures, transparent background

I do make my designs in illustrator and these would turn out a bit ‘cartoonish’. Please give me your ideas or feedback :slight_smile:

The first idea is a reality.

One thing that I regret in these is that our logo or name is not in it, but then again I do not know if people value that or not. When I buy t-shirts with designs I actually prefer it does not say these things (because people who see the t-shirt do not know what carpe noctem is or could care less for the logo I suppose). One solution which would not ruin the cartoonish style of the image is to put the logo underneat it. So on a t-shirt the white bar would become whichever color the t-shirt is.

I will put these on some items now to give an idea again. I am also starting to think I should start a seperate thread with just links to the designs :stuck_out_tongue:

I created this for the goodies thread way back when. No one took me up on the idea :cry:
I created it here: Design your own t-shirts - T-shirt printing and custom t-shirts from Streetshirts

What store would gave us the largest percentage of the sale?

Hey [user avatar=“” name=“Ozzie”]11586380[/user] I did not know that. It is a really good idea but this was not really my aim. I could try incorperate it in RedBubble if you could do some research in how people would like their shirts and how many people would be willing to put 20 dollar down for it. I think the magic of RedBubble is that you’re not restricted to t-shirts. I would like to make designs specificly with some funny aspects in mind. I just got one design done with massive thanks to my girlfriend for helping. I’ll upload it soon. Please tell me what you think.

[user avatar=“” name=“Arba”]17914993[/user] just a quick search on my part gave me this here.

RedBubble is probably one of the best sites for various reasons. But if you would be willing to want to buy a design and for whatever reason RedBubble costs too much and you found a website which gives more money back to us then please do share!

backround-repeat: no-repeat;

please Racoon :smiley: otherwise great idea, lets elevate it a bit :slight_smile: