CNTO Fitness General

Just a thread where we can all post updates and motivate each other to get out there and stay on track with any fitness goals we’ve got.

I’ll start off with a 2km run today after work, aiming for a 14minute time. Will update after I’m done!

[user avatar=“” name=“Jash”]16385839[/user]

Update. I’m much more unfit than I thought since I stopped cycling 8 months ago.

2.5km in 17minutes. Aiming for 16:30 tomorrow!

My starting weight as of this morning is 80kg (I’m 183cm tall for reference).

Edit: Resting heart rate is ~74bpm

My cycle to work today was 8 km in 26:33, at a pretty laid back pace, cos I don’t wanna exhaust myself before I even get to work.

If I have the energy, I’ll absolutely thrash it in my way home and see what the best time I can manage is.

The Thrash home from work came in at 24:42 (avg. Speed 19.4 km/h), although it’s hard to directly compare the two times.

Firstly, the trip to work is all downhill, and the trip back is all uphill. (Graph below is going home). Plus there’s the matter of traffic getting in the way during the daytime, making me much slower, compared to open, empty roads at night time, coming home, etc. etc.

There doesn’t seem to be a good way to directly convert this data into calories burned, without buying a heart rate monitor, which I’m [i]SO[/i] not going to do, but I’m happy with the time. I’m not in work again until the weekend, but on my way home there, I’ll try and drop my time below 23:00.

I’m also intending to start at an actual gym some time soon.

Today I did:
30 Pressups
36 Situps
24 Squats
24 Tricep Dips.

Set up a schedule. Monday and Thursday are cardio days. Wednesday and Saturday are Strength building days.

I should also note that my starting height is 6’3 or 190cm and my starting weight is 98kg or 216lb.

I walked to the top of Pen y Fan over Easter. Does that qualify as fitness buidling/weight loss? I would argue that eating less crap (and less in general) anddoing lots of walking are the best ways to get in shape (if not super fit).

Pen y Fan
Highest point
Elevation 886 m (2,907 ft)
Prominence 672 m (2,205 ft)

I clumb Snowdon a couple of years ago too!

I’m kinda doing this? Swimming 1-2 times a week now, trying to maximise lung capacity. Currently doing 25m fully submerged and working my way towards 50m

Yesterday I managed 20 sec. static apnea followed by 25m moving apnea.

Managed to get my squat from 125kg to 140kg in 6 weeks. On my way to 1/2/3/4 currently at 1/1/3/3 so not far to go