CNTO Christmas Gifts Sorted :)

If only we had our own internal mailing system :slight_smile:

I do not know why, but I seem to need it. Now.

I used to have a monkey one of those. You pressed a button and its eyes lit up and it made a noise that, if left long enough was a monkey call, but started like a demonic wail of pain and torture. It was wonderful for freaking people out with.

That is totes adorbs!

Totes?! :smiley:

I love you man… :slight_smile:

Just got another Christmas gift today found out I have a little Dachi on the way!!

Oh god, they’re multiplying!

Wait, for real? Congrats mate!

Congrats dude! You can train him/her to be your own little samurai then :smiley:

Well that’s one way to get more recruits. Why didn’t we think of it before! :idea:

Congratualtions mate! :thumb:

*looks over to Chris :wink:

Great stuff! Congratulations buddy…time of your life incoming in T- :slight_smile:

Also Congrats Dachi from me

Big congratulations! That’s amazing and beautiful all at once :wink:

Don’t worry I’ve already started filling out the GQF for Him/Her oops maybe I shouldn’t have told you that :slight_smile:

Congrats dude! You can train him/her to be your own little samurai then :D[/quote]

Hey man you know this kid is getting sent straight to the Dojo as soon as they can walk then at night Arma 3 training :slight_smile:


Congratulations Dachi!

Congratulations Dachi !!!

Congratulations !

Congratulations Dachi!