Civilization V

The Holidays Hiatus has begun, which means that it’s up to the members to get some other events running. Me and Spartak have been wanting to run a Civilization V multiplayer campaign (no DLCs), and it’d be awesome if we could get some of y’all to join in!

If you don’t own the game yet, it’s only 3-4 euros on G2Play, so pick it up if you’re interested :smiley:

I already have it would be happy to join.

Grabbed a copy since it was so cheap. Seems like I might enjoy it.

Count me in. But you know it takes a LOT of time?

All we need now is date and time. A lot of time.

I do, thats why it’ll probably be just us 5, to keep things short. I’ll make a doodle and then we can get started. Maybe like 6 hour sessions with breaks after every 2? (I really don’t have anything else to do xD)

6 hours??? you are to optimistic Chris :smiley: anyway it doesnt have to be on event,we can easily arrange every day for a hour or two,maybe more if we have more time to spend :slight_smile:

I played 9 hours yesterday. Nine fucking hours.

So you had a Civ warm up session. Big woop. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Yeah its ok when you play alone,but i doubt that all 5 of us will have 9 hours to spend every day :smiley: We all must be online to play the campaign,thats why we limited on 5 players, if one leave,the session is over for that day.

No, I know. I’m just saying…I did not expect to play anything for 9 damn hours much less a 4x game.

[justify]Currently my favourite 4x games are Galactic Civilisations 2 (not by Sid Meyer’s) and Age of Wonders 3.

Especially GC2’s diplomacy and AI is fantastic. AoW 3 is a perfect mix between Civ5 and Heroes of Might and Magic 3.

I’ve actually never played a 4x game in MP, would be down for a try with Civ 5, but I’d prefer a rather small(ish) map to keep the game under month of campaigning. :wink: [/justify]

Would love to join if there is space.

We can start multiple campaigns,dont worry sky :wink:

Here’s the doodle guys, I put in the all the days until the end of the hiatus at op time, please fill it in!

Im up for a bit of Civ Rapeage

Okay since we won’t be able to have a stable group of people to play with on multiple occasions, me and spartak will start a civ 5 campaign tonight at OP time, whoever can join can join and we’ll continue whenever these folks are all online. For the others we’re gonna have to start smaller 2p or 3p campaigns which I won’t schedule or whatever, just be social and message people if ya wanna play :smiley:

I suggest a better approach. We can start a 3-4 human player game and save it’s progression. We should split into teams like this:

a. Obi + Highway = Germany
b. Chris + ? = Japan
c. Spartak + Matty = Greeks
d. Clarke + Dachi = Russia


Every time we want to continue one of the players in the team will play that nation. Of course, you will not be able to play both at the same time but that’s the only way to finish the campaign in anything above 2 players. Remember, it’s possible that AI replaces human in some cases, but humans have to connect to slots and then leave the game. In that case, AI substitutes that player. We agree on mission time and we go.

Is it possible that one nation is taken by multiple players then?

And wouldn’t that require the host to be online all the time?

[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“” name=“Highway”]I suggest a better approach. We can start a 3-4 human player game and save it’s progression. We should split into teams like this:

a. Obi + Highway = Germany
b. Chris + ? = Japan
c. Spartak + Matty = Greeks
d. Clarke + Dachi = Russia


Every time we want to continue one of the players in the team will play that nation. Of course, you will not be able to play both at the same time but that’s the only way to finish the campaign in anything above 2 players. Remember, it’s possible that AI replaces human in some cases, but humans have to connect to slots and then leave the game. In that case, AI substitutes that player. We agree on mission time and we go.[/quote]

[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“” name=“Highway”]I suggest a better approach. We can start a 3-4 human player game and save it’s progression. We should split into teams like this:

a. Obi + Highway = Germany
b. Chris + ? = Japan
c. Spartak + Matty = Greeks
d. Clarke + Dachi = Russia


Every time we want to continue one of the players in the team will play that nation. Of course, you will not be able to play both at the same time but that’s the only way to finish the campaign in anything above 2 players. Remember, it’s possible that AI replaces human in some cases, but humans have to connect to slots and then leave the game. In that case, AI substitutes that player. We agree on mission time and we go.[/quote]

I dont know,i think its best to set multiple campaigns and that is it but as majority wishes