Carpe Noctem Private Security

Going with the theme of RPG-ish progression and looting from my Freedom Fighters campaign idea, here’s another.

A PMC camp in which everyone handles their own logistics using a shop system (similar to VTS) to spend their money. They recieve money from taking bounties or contracts around altis (or another island) and team up. At first we will only have basic pistols and clothes, and will take small contracts such as escorts, investigations, repair, or medical missions. Individually we can loot and buy equipment for our own "stash" with each contractor being responsible for his individual loadout. They should aim to be as flexible as possible and yet able to specialize when embarking on large contracts. Clothing is restricted to TRYK gear with camo appropriate for the terrain, and use of MXs (as they are the most varied and versatile weapons with many variants) m4s or katibas (if prefered) will be advised, but the collection of enemy optics, gear and arms for use or selling is legal. Remember the mission comes before loot. The loot is to be divided equally at the end of the operation anyway, and should be loaded into a truck.

Essentially there will be a series of missions available at base camp and some points of interest around the island, such as bounties to eliminate personel, vehicles, ammo caches etc. The contents of the crates and the loadouts are saved across playthroughs, as well as the money each contractor has earned to spend on equipment such as vehicles/weapons/explosives/gear. There will be representatives from the AAF, CSAT or NATO, and due to the morally dubious nature of your work, some contracts will be unpleasant, and may find you fighting old friends. Due to the covert nature of our work, the bodies of your comrades will have to be properly disposed of with explosives, to prevent any crack-downs on CN activities, and no CN equipment is to be left behind.

I’m sorry to be the one but I must say missions/campaign like these are bound to fail. This is making things much more complex than it really should be. Even though it might sound easy to make and super cool on paper it’s just not worth it in the long haul. I’ve seen it done plenty of times in a lot of units and it tends to bring more bad than good.

On the other hand it’s really nice seeing that you’re so engaged in making these bigger backstories and such but here I must say it’s really just overcomplicating things that have very little in return compared to the struggles it’s going to give.

[quote user_id=“4259784” avatar=“” name=“Anders”]I’m sorry to be the one but I must say missions/campaign like these are bound to fail. This is making things much more complex than it really should be. Even though it might sound easy to make and super cool on paper it’s just not worth it in the long haul. I’ve seen it done plenty of times in a lot of units and it tends to bring more bad than good.

On the other hand it’s really nice seeing that you’re so engaged in making these bigger backstories and such but here I must say it’s really just overcomplicating things that have very little in return compared to the struggles it’s going to give.[/quote]

[quote user_id=“137813” avatar=“” name=“Kaleo”][quote user_id=“4259784” avatar=“” name=“Anders”]I’m sorry to be the one but I must say missions/campaign like these are bound to fail. This is making things much more complex than it really should be. Even though it might sound easy to make and super cool on paper it’s just not worth it in the long haul. I’ve seen it done plenty of times in a lot of units and it tends to bring more bad than good.

On the other hand it’s really nice seeing that you’re so engaged in making these bigger backstories and such but here I must say it’s really just overcomplicating things that have very little in return compared to the struggles it’s going to give.[/quote][/quote]

Totally agree with you Kaleo