Carpe Noctem new Slogan?

Or maybe we could put this on a billboard in one of the bases?

boolets come out the pointy end

"Bad end of stick goes BANG!"?

[quote user_id=“1421263” avatar=“” name=“Obi”]

Or maybe we could put this on a billboard in one of the bases?[/quote]
I believe somebody already has that as a Teamspeak image / squad.xml quote.

My favourite image about pointing somewhere has to be xkcd: Up Goer Five .

"This end should point toward the ground if you want to go to space. If it starts pointing toward space, you are having a bad problem and you will not go to space today."

I love these kind of slogans/sentences; My favourite one is definitely "when two best fight, must fight till one is more best"

hehe someone found my avatar image…