Carpe Noctem Live News

So I just found this

Why don’t we get some guys of the Video making team during ops to use this and make a decumentary?


(just kiding)

That could actually make for a very interesting operation…not sure how exactly, but it could!

No, not kidding. :smiley:
I think this would be amazing in a roleplay mission. Have one group protect the cameraman while the rest are clearing villages. :slight_smile:

Would be funny in some acting aswell.

[justify]ShackTac did a couple of similar PvP missions where civilian reporters were imbedded with BluFor, was kinda fun to watch. However you don’t need a special mod for that, you can use the vanilla news camera object and enable interaction with object. This will require around 30+ PvP though otherwhise you’ll feel the two "missing" guys quite a lot.[/justify]