Carpe Noctem Flag

Could do with a green background, though I get the aim.

I think flags shouldn’t have overlapping objects in them so they are easy to read.
Maybe sit the stars don’t touch the owl or owl is inside of the circle. Or similarly to USA flag have a UE square in top left and green/owl in remaining part. Just some ideas.

Why the stars? What do we have to do with the european union?

We’re mainly a european clan, and since the United States of Europe sadly isn’t a thing yet we’ll have to do with this :stuck_out_tongue:

Anders we are a European Gaming Community so Stars although I could just have the Owl on a Green back or black background.

I just see the geography of Europe and the union as two completely different things. But hey nice idea to make a flag! Can this be implemented into the game?

Yes it can and no problem anders it took me 5 minutes to throw them together so if people like the idea of a flag chuck some images here and I will come up with some different options.

[quote user_id=“1171274” avatar=“” name=“Abuk”]I think flags shouldn’t have overlapping objects in them so they are easy to read.
Maybe sit the stars don’t touch the owl or owl is inside of the circle. Or similarly to USA flag have a UE square in top left and green/owl in remaining part. Just some ideas.[/quote]

The engineering solution.


I’m not a fan of the radioactive blue… also why not just have a small owl… And we’re not just restricted to europe, we have operatives from india, israel, etc etc

Little Owl omg you wouldn’t see it lol on arma’s tiny flags but your right about the Europe thing we do have people from outside of Europe

Radioactive blue replaced with radioactive green.

Small owl was badly visible, so I just compressed it.

Other flags not included as they wouldn’t fit inside (also didn’t want to offend anybody).

Kind of quick and dirty but here’s my take on it

I thought I’d make a badge with the owl cradlling the EU symbol in it’s wings, (good in logos to fill empty space)

Could also do an inverse chevron and eliminate the EU symbol.

Radioactive blue replaced with radioactive green.

Small owl was badly visible, so I just compressed it.

Other flags not included as they wouldn’t fit inside (also didn’t want to offend anybody).[/quote]

MY EEYYYEEESSSSS ( but i like the crossed wings idea)

[quote user_id=“9116490” avatar=“” name=“Price”]Kind of quick and dirty but here’s my take on it

I thought I’d make a badge with the owl cradlling the EU symbol in it’s wings, (good in logos to fill empty space)

Could also do an inverse chevron and eliminate the EU symbol.[/quote]

Mate. That is so sexy. My dick went so hard the veins spelled out EUROPEAN UNION.

I mean, ehm, nice photoshop?

I like Price’s one too maybe [user avatar=“” name=“Tiloup”]4417969[/user] can take that and put it on our cool camo background :slight_smile:

I would also like to know how you guys sample the flaming owl texture and camo backgrounds and use them on different objects.

google gold texture… go on photoshop… ??? profit