Campaign - Op. Blind Shark & Grey Garden

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Phase 1 is complete. Lost equipment for Stratis and Bozcaada:

  • 5x F/A 18s
  • 2x Ghost Hawks
  • 1x Blackfoot
  • 24x infantry
  • 4x pilots

Expended ammunition:

  • 56x tomahawks

First stealth Op went really well and love the format of them so cheers to everyone who played great job all round.

2nd Op had fun and cheers for the mission I do like all the equipment and support we are able to use along with the simulated pushes across the rest of the AO etc.

Work on points for me this Op in regards to performance are:

  • Me and Koffer learned our lesson with regards to the 120mm ammunition types with regards to accuracy. Initially we steered clear of anything guided but turns out it just makes it more accurate without having to lase. Took note for next time.
  • One for me was calling out artillery missions on Plt net. I think being used to calling this in over long range with map markers meant I was used to it all elements being aware of them and if they missed these calls, it was because they were not listening. Now it will just take some getting used to that once arty is called it needs to go over the radio because I don’t think element leaders can see the notifications on the left of the screen.
  • One thing I noticed with the sections is that the Section Comd is much more prone to missing comms due to them actively leading an element. This may just have been this Op and the situations but felt like this might have been a product of the Section structure. Either way, listening to orders and readback/acknowledgment needs work. Might have to do less briefing over the radio in this structure.

Apologies to Nightbird they kind of took a back seat from the start due to the AA and the inability to see inside objectives. Wish I could have used you more but AA threat and status was just unknown.
My plan fell apart because it hinged on the ability to totally smash external defences with our long-range fires. Especially on the MOB which I think you can tell by now I hate to assault. Either way learned a lot of lessons from this Op from how to more effectively use simplex arty and how we should be more patient and ensure the obj is smashed and then smoked to get in more effectively.

Cheers all had fun.

Stealth op went flawless as usual but the assault didn’t go so smoothly again.

The opening firefight was highly unfavourable. We failed to adaquately capitalize on the element of surprise, half the squad was engaged before the other half was even set and we were deployed enfilade on the naked slope of a coverless hill.

Yellow lost PricePole

Later a chopper carrying squads of enemies slowly landed at the top of an olive grove. I asked repeatedly for permission to fire my wire guided AT at it, I could have easily hit it, and I had ample opportunity but didn’t. In the ensuing firefight we were outnumbered.

Yelllow lost Garf

Nez and I muddled through the remainder of the op getting shot to shit and feeling in constant danger and often being deployed in unconventional and suicidal manners. We also became a part of possibly the dumbest instance of friendly fire and mass casualty i’ve ever seen. A fuckup cascade if you will.
-Nez and I were clearing from one side, and we met Bravo in the middle.
-An enemy threw a grenade at bravo and I saw the door shut. Mass Cas.
-Door opened. Me and Nez shot the exiting soldier.
-It was Sagu. He had cleared the building and killed the grenade thrower, but shut the door to not die in the blast.

  • I cleared the adjacent occupied barracks which contained 2 AAF soldiers (one of which I killed the other of which was invulnerable and mysterious dissapeared) and started treating survivors.
    -We rushed to help Bravo, the rest of Bravo arrived and shot Nez.
    -As we were getting people up again and we were lamenting about the situation a cargo container opened on bravo’s side and a machine gunner popped me in the head and mowed down the survivors.

It was a fun op

Some observations

The AAF GL rig is invulnerable. only headshots or bleedouts from limb shots will kill the guys wearing it. In CQB it sucked balls. The AAF also had lazer beam accuracy, They would run to crest a hill stand fully errect and pop me in the head from behind full cover from 500 meters while I was still lining up a shot.

[quote user_id=“20814189” avatar=“” name=“Price”]Stealth op went flawless as usual but the assault didn’t go so smoothly again.
Later a chopper carrying squads of enemies slowly landed at the top of an olive grove. I asked repeatedly for permission to fire my wire guided AT at it, I could have easily hit it, and I had ample opportunity but didn’t. In the ensuing firefight we were outnumbered.[/quote]

Yeah I agree we should have taken the shot. Orders be orders though.

Dont forget to watch your buddies, watch your fire team. Dont go out on your own.
I think yellow had 3 or 4 KIA unless some were disconnected. :confused:

Thank you yellow at the end. My own little scouts/suicide squad :stuck_out_tongue: