(Campaign) Coop - Resistance

Feedback! :slight_smile:

As Bravo lead this was a very fun op. We were only 6-men strong the entire op, but performed as a full-strength squad even as we were out-gunned and out-armoured by our enemies. Over 3.5 hrs we only had 1 KIA.

The start of the op (after we regrouped with the rest of the PLT) was a bit slow due to the unfamiliar situation of it all, but it all got a lot smoother as we went on. Comms were really difficult with my team, due to us not having squad radios. I wonder if we can steal 343’s or 152’s (on channel 2+) from the Russians to use for at minimum FLT-radios next time around, that would help a lot.

Do you have a recording of the mines we planted doing their job [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/20142018/avatar/small.1570658998.jpeg” name=“Sagu”]20142018[/user] ? I would love to see the fruits of our labour.

[quote user_id=“5721247” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/5721247/avatar/medium.1400099509.png” name=“Koffer”]As Bravo lead this was a very fun op. We were only 6-men strong the entire op, but performed as a full-strength squad even as we were out-gunned and out-armoured by our enemies. Over 3.5 hrs we only had 1 KIA.

The start of the op (after we regrouped with the rest of the PLT) was a bit slow due to the unfamiliar situation of it all, but it all got a lot smoother as we went on. Comms were really difficult with my team, due to us not having squad radios. I wonder if we can steal 343’s or 152’s (on channel 2+) from the Russians to use for at minimum FLT-radios next time around, that would help a lot.

Do you have a recording of the mines we planted doing their job [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/20142018/avatar/small.1570658998.jpeg” name=“Sagu”]20142018[/user] ? I would love to see the fruits of our labour.[/quote]

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it :slight_smile:

Radio situation will get better as you progress in the campaign.

As per the vehicles you have destroyed… I do not have any recordings as I realized my shadowplay wasn’t working, but I could easily say you have killed a BRDM-2, 2 T-72s and 2 BMP-1s.