Bohemia Interactive HQ

I’m going to Prague from tomorrow evening until sunday evening, and I completely forgot that BI HQ is based there!!! I’m totally going to sneak in some time to visit their building. I’ll take some pictures to take home for you guys :smiley:

EDIT: hmm I can’t really find their adress oO. The name one they give on their site is somewhere 50km outside of prague and it’s a god damn farm. I found another adress from this site : "BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE STUDIO s.r.o. (Praha, Hlubočepy) •, but the building doesn’t look so legit.

Am I missing smth?

Go there and promote our community.

Address: Stříbrná Lhota 747 Mníšek pod Brdy, 25210 Czech Republic

About 50 meters to the south east from where google puts you:

I saw that , but it can’t possible be their HQ right?

Why not? It’s within driving distance of Prague and surrounding towns or villages where people might live. And in general, It’s incomparably cheaper to rent a place there than somewhere withing Prague itself. It’s possible that estate was privately owned by someone who founded BI, so they decided to stay there free of charge. The bus drives straight from Prague to Mnišek, about 200m away from their HQ.

It says on their page, they have multiple teams working on different projects across multiple locations. This is just their headquarters.

I wish I had been reminded of this sooner so I could’ve sent them a mail asking if I could have a little visit (I think BI would be a studio that may actually say yes to this kind of request).

Now we at least know where they are. Next time someone is going near Prague we know where to send him. We just need to make a detailed list of what to ask and what to tell them to fix in the game.

Yeah I’ll just barge and tell them they suck at optimisation. :smiley:

The Prague trip is a yearly ESN trip, so I’ll make sure I can visit BI next year :wink:

:open_mouth: Prague is so beautiful. And the beer is so cheap! It was 1 euro for a pint!

Almost everything is cheaper there. It’s a lucky coincidence that czech beer is awesome! :smiley: Have you tried Staropramen yet?

As far as I have noticed the prices are actually about the same (a little bit cheaper). That is for the city centre of prague ofc. It’s not like in Krakow, where even in city center everything is dirty cheap :smiley:

And no I didn’t that drink that beer, but I know someone else ordered it. I probably tasted it at some point, but I tasted so many beers so I don’t remember!

[quote user_id=“1680930” avatar=“” name=“Intact”]As far as I have noticed the prices are actually about the same (a little bit cheaper). That is for the city centre of prague ofc. It’s not like in Krakow, where even in city center everything is dirty cheap :smiley:

And no I didn’t that drink that beer, but I know someone else ordered it. I probably tasted it at some point, but I tasted so many beers so I don’t remember![/quote]
They probably increased the prices as they got the euro. It’s been a few years since I’ve been there last. I liked it there very much.

They’re still using the czech koruna, not euro.

Oh, well … again, it’s been a few years… :oops: