BattlEye whitlisting

BattlEye use whitelists. This means every software must be allowed, otherwise it’s not able to be used in conjunction with Arma 3. This means that EVERYTHING is pretty much blocked… Safe but annoying as all hell.
So far we know that OpenTrack, TrackIR 4, TeamViewer, TSNotifier, most of ACE3, etc. are blocked.

If you have any .dll that gets blocked by BattlEye and you think it shouldn’t, please follow these steps:

  • Get the name and version of the software
  • Write down why you think it shouldn’t be blocked
  • Name of the specific .dll that gets blocked
  • MD5 + SHA-1 hashes of these files
  • Send the hashes to [email protected]
  • Upload the blocked .dll to a hosting service, I’ll get the hashes myself and send them to BE.

-EDIT: This is actually crazy, do they really expect us to whitelist the entire legit internet? I’ve emailed BattlEye and inquired them about this. Let’s wait a day or two for some better ideas. I’m already hearing about BE boycotts coming from ACRE/ACE/TFAR devs… :stuck_out_tongue:

(regarding the edit)
Heh, it’s been a lot of years and people still haven’t managed to do anti-cheats properly. It isn’t easy - I’ve spent days doing recursive movement pre-computation (to compensate lags) while making an anticheat for a certain RPG server and it still caught just the really bad offenders.
The problem is that virtually anything client-side like BattlEye, but even the legendary StarForce can be "easily" modified, even if it’s a sophisicated hypervisor above the OS. Earlier versions of World of Warcraft (up to lich king) used RC4 for network transmission, which could be rather easily broken given few known strings of plaintext - and any sniffing/cheating could be then done transparently to the OS running the game.

All in all, the only effective anticheat is to simulate the player, server-side, which is hard. Doing A* on each player movement request is nearly prohibitively expensive, but research could be done on how to optimize the prediction. Yet here we are, the legitimate users, ending up with rootkits in our operating systems, DRM everywhere, … :frowning: Because developers/publishers don’t care about the handful of people that can get around the protection or how much the customers complain (kudos to exceptions).

Sorry, just an empty rant, I guess.