Battlefield rush in Arma.

Arma 3 rush.
Those you know me knows that I (used to) play a lot of battlefield, and the gamemod I enjoyed the most on the franchise is the rush mod (Thanks Clarke).
Even tho there is a lot of gamemodes out there and a lot of gameplay variety I’ve never crossed something like this on Arma.

Gamemod would aim to be somewhat faster paced for people to be able to play each side in one game session.
32 player max.
4 squads of 4 men on each side. (Can do 3’5+ one commander)
Tickets based ( can only respawn on squad leaders or spawn point)
Point would be to have a Box/something we could arm and defuse with a timer on it (with scroll down menu)

Standard CNTO rules apply for equipment, ironsight/X1 only.
Squad leaders get GL.

Attackers must arm and defend until destruction 2 objectives, before their tickets get down to 0.
Attackers lose one ticket for each player respawn.
Defenders must defend said objectives.
Once and if the two objectives are destroyed, defenders are pushed back to the next set of objectives and Attackers tickets filled up.
In witch case, team spawns are moved up and back respectively.
Attackers win if they manage to destroy all 3 sets of Mcoms. (6 total)

Mission makers, can we make this happen?
What do you guys think?

Uhmn this would Awesome!!!

I am sure it would be with some scripting, I would probably just steel the end game upload mechanics and change the timer and writing etc to say arming and defusing I will see if not Freghar would be able to do it he can do anything :wink:

i might try this. have been wating to learn arma scripting for a while :slight_smile:

Tiloup I have just finished after 24 hours of pure graft it is finished I even voiced the Objective has been destroyed myslef :slight_smile:

I have give the attackers Tickets and the defenders unlimited lives is that right could not remember if in BF both teams have tickets or just attackers?

Also took me ages and ages to get the respawns to move up and backwards with the objectives but they do now :slight_smile:

The only thing I couldn’t achieve was enabling the Arming of the MCOM’s but my work around was to give everyone 1 explosive charge each and the placing of it and setting trigger type would count as the time to arm etc.

What do you all think any ideas on how to do it differently or does my way sound ok?


‘‘I have give the attackers Tickets and the defenders unlimited lives is that right could not remember if in BF both teams have tickets or just attackers?’’
You were right only attakers have tickets.

When it comes to the MCOM, I think we really need something that can be easely reset/defused by the defender.
Maybe a paradrop ammo crate (You know the ones with boxes and nets) with a timer or an audio queue that defender could stop and reset ?

An easy way out would be an area + a trigger, something that would take time to "capture" (may even have visual clues), but as soon as no attacker would be present inside, the state would reset.

This can be done by spawning a sleeping background process in On Activation and terminating that process in On Deactivation using a previously-stored script handle.

(I’m not sure if 1.60 has server-only triggers already, if not, this will need an additional if (isServer)):

//TODO: spawn some nice visual arrow/icon here
Some_Global_Variable = [] spawn {
private "_timer";
for [{_timer = 120}, {_timer > 0}, {_timer = _timer - 1}] do {
private _msg = format ["Point A will be captured in %1 secs", _timer];
_msg remoteExec ["hintSilent"];
sleep 1;
//TODO: remove the visual arrow/icon here
terminate Some_Global_Variable;
"Point A capture cancelled" remoteExec ["hintSilent"];

Or something like that. Obviously, would need some refinement.

Yeah I am already using a similar crate with net on it looks good and blows up nicely.

Just can not find a way at all to get the Arming/Disarming to work @Hellfire had a nice mission called abederas box that I was going to pick apart but it will not import at all into my editor and without it I can not deconstruct with just the files as I don’t know how to use the scripts in it in regards to the objects/triggers/logic in the editor.

[quote user_id=“13633351” avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]An easy way out would be an area + a trigger, something that would take time to "capture" (may even have visual clues), but as soon as no attacker would be present inside, the state would reset.

This can be done by spawning a sleeping background process in On Activation and terminating that process in On Deactivation using a previously-stored script handle.

(I’m not sure if 1.60 has server-only triggers already, if not, this will need an additional if (isServer)):

//TODO: spawn some nice visual arrow/icon here
Some_Global_Variable = [] spawn {
private "_timer";
for [{_timer = 120}, {_timer > 0}, {_timer = _timer - 1}] do {
private _msg = format ["Point A will be captured in %1 secs", _timer];
_msg remoteExec ["hintSilent"];
sleep 1;
//TODO: remove the visual arrow/icon here
terminate Some_Global_Variable;
"Point A capture cancelled" remoteExec ["hintSilent"];

Or something like that. Obviously, would need some refinement.[/quote]

I will have to see mate thanks for the effort in sending me this.

Here is the mission I have so far if you guys want to work on it to see if you can come with something the Music is a work in progress lol and please be warned if you de-sync any of the objective stuff it will all need doing again from scratch as it breaks the chain and has to be done again if altered I found out the hard way.

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