Armachinima - Favorites

Hey Guys…

you probably know already about the ongoing contest called Armachinima… if not, take a look here: Armachinima Website

I would like to share my three favorites (they may change)! Please let me know yours to so i don’t have to watch all of them!




The first one i’m not sure if it’s official one… i just really like it!


Any guys want to get together to write, direct and shoot a Carpe Noctem machinima? Someone with the best graphical pc and an photographer’s eye would be camera man. Someone with aesthetic and cinemotographic taste can direct, someone with mad editing skills can edit, and anyone who wants to can act in it.

[user avatar=“” name=“Price”]9116490[/user] - get in the team for the next campaign and we will do it.

when does the team meet?

It’s up to [user avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]12591864[/user] but I presume very soon. Your artistic/level design skills could be very useful (don’t think your uniform work was unnoticed).

Dulabu, sorry for hijacking the thread. I’ve seen number 1 and it’s a clear favorite. Number 2 is nah, number 3 is ok.

when does the team meet?[/quote]

Will be posting a date soon mate but we will create a Machinima grade video for our campaign in the next half of the year.

Great videos by the way Duluba I really liked the "Morning".

when does the team meet?[/quote]

Will be posting a date soon mate but we will create a Machinima grade video for our campaign in the next half of the year.[/quote]

Ooh… want me to write? I think it’d be good if we sampled in op dialogue for realism, because our acting is cheesy as fuck.

Whatever could you mean?


I’m still waiting for that Oscar nomination…

LOL Xerses!

Price, we need to have a story first. Let’s wait for the first meeting and then go from here.


Please guys don’t forget to send your favorites in!!!

[user avatar=“” name=“Dulabu”]11583892[/user] - that’s just a tip of the iceberg. If you want to know more - buy Hot Moves DVD.

I’d add another thing. Do it with the right game. :wink:


Nooooo Highway … it’s to vote for the right guys on … don’t care about how good other game videos look like :slight_smile:

Do we have anyone studying film, cinematography or similar in the community? Never thought I’ll say that, but we have too many IT geeks and too few artists. :frowning:

I have refined tastes, does that count?
