ARMA 3 Update.

Update !

Added: Enable new Headless Client implementation
Can we use this ?

[quote user_id=“3602631” avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]
Added: Enable new Headless Client implementation
Can we use this ?[/quote]

No, first and foremost because a HC requires an additional fully paid A3 copy to work. But there are other issues as well that we never really figured out even back in the EAGC. We might look into this again at a later stage, but as of right now it’s a huge hassle to get it running.

There are some other interesting bulletins in this update though:

I read in somewhere in the past notes that HC actually doesn’t require a new license anymore.

"Update 1.36 will bring big improvements to Headless Client technology after a solid period of Dev-Branch testing. The new implementation will …

… see HCs placed as virtual entities in the editor, and then having them automatically assigned to slots in the lobby.
… make HCs only visible to admins.
… support Linux servers.
not require additional Arma 3 licenses."

I like these changes also:

  • Added: Possibility to set up an indirect damage protection coefficient for crew (crewExplosionProtection)
  • Added: Possibility to force Advanced Flight Model from server config (forceRotorLibSimulation: 0 - options, 1 - forced on, 2 - forced off) - overrides description.ext

[user avatar=“” name=“Intact”]1680930[/user] ,

That’s a nice catch (next time try to provide the source you’re quoting as well). Apparently anyone can connect to a free headless client slot. My knowledge is still not adequate enough so I’ll just leave a link to whole wiki page with instructions how to set it up and use it.

No extra license is awesome. If we ever reach greater nummer we can set it up.