Arma 3: Unsung Mod

I wanted to get peoples opinions on playing a Vietnam themed mission from Unsung. It’s currently in Alpha while they port it but it’s still a really fun mod that has some good potential to be used. I’ll be hosting a showcase of the mod at some point if anyone is interested, it’ll just be me showing people some of the features, vehicles, weapons, and other cool details of the mod. Included with this post is a link to their website if you want to check out the mod. I’d highly recommend it just for the 'Nam flashbacks of charlie in the brush.


yes yes & yes!

I’ve always wanted us to use one of the Vietnam type maps and that style of combat.

+1 I really like the vietnam setting and unsung was one of my favorite mods.

Haha why have I not seen this video before!?

as far as i know, some of the maps use objects from Apex?
as a non-apex owner you would not be able to use unsung to its fullest :frowning:

As far as I can tell, there is no Apex content in the maps, if there is some then I cant find it even when using the check for apex tool. So all users, apex and non, should be able to enjoy it to its fullest :-d

[user avatar=“” name=“Dusty”]10898144[/user] I think they updated their trees, so they use those from apex

That is a shame then, I do hope apex goes on sale at some point then so people can use the Unsung mod to its fullest

[quote user_id=“15892250” avatar=“” name=“Bananapeel”][user avatar=“” name=“Dusty”]10898144[/user] I think they updated their trees, so they use those from apex

Such a shame, as BI have released their program (which is pretty impressive btw!) to the market.
The creators can easily make the trees themselves, if they ask for a quote for pricing. (knowing BI, they will probably get a good offer)

We can strip the maps and keep the rest right? Once we move onto apex in the future we can add them back in.

I don’t see why not, It’d be quite easy aswell

Thread moved to Arma Lounge.