Arma 3 Sync

This software doesn’t need any introduction. I’d just like to point out what an amazing job developing team is doing, and how much we have benefited from it. They keep updating it by fixing existing problems and adding new features. If only we had something like this for Arma 2.

Latest Changelog:

[quote name=“v1.4”]v1.4 update 2

  • Added: Profiles can now be exported as desktop shortcut.
  • Added: Repository: connection timeout and read timeout can now be set manually (see the wiki).
  • Added: Space bar can now be use to check/uncheck mod selection.
  • Added: ArmA3Sync Console: -SYNC command can now use with/without exact file matching (see the wiki).
  • Added: Download: Errors messages can now be exported to desktop as a log file.
  • Fixed: Download/Upload freezes if transfer file has a zero byte size (regression from version 1.4)
  • Fixed: ArmA3Sync Console: main folder path sets to null when creating a new repository from command line (regression from version 1.4)

v1.4 update 1

  • Fixed: ArmA3Sync may freezes after ArmA 3 had just started since 1.4.53


  • Added: Parallel file downloading for both FTP and HTTP based server repository.
  • Added: Repository synchronization from command line.
  • Added: ACRE 2 installer wizard.
  • Added: Selectable Look and Feel.
  • Added: Malloc as Launch options parameters.
  • Changed: Files synchronization will now keep going and skip to next one if an error happens during download.
  • Updated: Wiki has been updated for administrator usage section.
  • Fixed: Download keep waiting for a file even if server do not transfer data. Time out is set to 30s after which ArmA3Sync will skip to next file.
  • Fixed: Game profile with dots.
  • Fixed: Favorite Server with "-" character in the name.
  • Fixed: Additional Parameters for <path> option
  • Fixed: Repository status is set as UPDATED in the Repositories panel even if no file have been changed since last build.[/quote]

Changelog of the latest update:

[quote]v1.4 update 3

[] Fixed: Linux: Check repository command may return a wrong message.
] Fixed: ACRE wizard may pop up along with ACRE2 wizard after files synchronisation finished (regression from version 1.4).
[] Improved: Build repository progress speed.
] Changed: Starting the game with Joint Server enabled modset option is now restrive to the list of addons of this modset.
[*] Changed: Launcher optionns: -enableHT is now disabled if cpucount is specified.

Would also love to point out that we’ve found this one really annoying and confusing bug and thanks to Hellfire and Xander it’s now on this changelog! Well done, guys!


[*] Changed: Starting the game with Joint Server enabled modset option is now restrive to the list of addons of this modset.

A bug for which the dev claimed it was a feature. It took us a bit of persuasion to make him change the "feature". Good work guys.

Could be communicated more clearly I’d say in the program though, with for instance what I suggested a button ‘‘Force server modset’’, but overall it’s at least more logical, so that’s good!

He just came up with the fix to multiple mods with the same name (For example if you have /arma 3/@ace and /arma 3/test-mods/@ace, they game would not know which one you want to load so it’ll load the first one alphabetically). Should be added to next release. :slight_smile:

Changelog of the latest update:

[quote]v1.4 update 4

  • Added: New commande line Java -jar ArmA3Sync -UPDATE: check for ArmASync updates.
  • Added: Automatic update of clients Favorite servers info associated to a repository.
  • Modified: Connection time out and read time out sets to 60000 ms by default.
  • Fixed: Repository upload: full re-upload is performed if FTP upload protocol is different from repository protocol (regression from 1.4 update 3).
  • Fixed: Importing autoconfig failed if server is case sensitive for url (regression from 1.4 update 3).
  • Fixed: Changelogs info is not updated from the ArmA3Sync GUI server side after a build repository (regression from 1.4 update 3).
  • Fixed: -EnableHT is removed from Run parameters after a restart of ArmA3Sync (regression from 1.4 update 3).


Does anyone else have a problem with removing or editing Favourite servers in Online tab?

If I change the existing favourite server or even try to delete it, it reverts back to what it was after A3Sync has been restarted, or if you try to launch the game using the edited favourite server.

I seem to have the same problem. If I rename one or both of the entries before exiting arma3sync, they remain there when I start it up, but - in addition - the old entries suddenly pop up into existence as well.
Maybe it has something to do with some autoconfig script that I initially used per one of the configuration guides.

I was unable to alter the IP at all, do I have to create a new profile or ?

Double click on the ip and it should let you edit it.
I had a few issues yesterday with it loading mods not on the modpack, so i need to double check i have sorted it tonight!

Double clicking is how we changed the IP. The problem is not how to change the IP but to make it stick when launching the game or restarting A3S.

I was just answering Highway!


I would like to point out one important fact about arma3sync that people might omit, causing repo desynchronization between the server and the client.

Arma3sync has two separate concepts - repositories and addon (mod) sets / folders.
Repositories are configured and downloaded throught the Repositories tab - think of them as toy stores across the world - one has some toys, another one has other toys, some toys are owned by both, etc. The important thing is that in the end, you get all the toys on a big pile, without any ability to easily recognize where the toys came from.
Addons arma3sync tab is the big pile of toys - you create subsets (folders), move some toys from the big pile on the left to the folders on the right, then select the folder(s) you want to play with and hit Start Game.

The important thing is that repositories have no direct relation to mod sets / folders, meaning if you update the coop/pvp repositories, the changes, such as added or removed mods, will not be reflected in the folders.

The only way I know how to do that is through the Online arma3sync tab, where servers are defined. Each server can have a "Modset" assigned, which is not a folder, but a repository name - if you connect to a server with at least one repository (Modset) selected, a mod set/folder is going to be automatically created (or overwritten!), with the name of the repository.

Therefore it’s imperative that you connect to servers though the Arma3sync Online tab by selecting an entry at the bottom of arma3sync window (and not Play->Multiplayer ingame) if you don’t manage the mod folders manually according to Clarke’s changelog.

You should have it set up so it automatically updates the modsets based on what is downloaded from the repo. The only thing is that you need to uncheck and recheck the modset on the addons tab, which will update the mods that will be loaded.

How? If I remove a mod from the Coop "addon" folder, no matter how often I sync the repositories, check or uncheck the folder, start the game (manually connecting to the server from main menu), …, the only thing that seems to bring the mod back to the folder is connecting to the coop server via the configuration of the Online tab.

Why do you remove things from the Addon folder? A3S handles that automatically - it adds and removes @mod folders from the list. It doesn’t do only 2 things:

  1. It doesn’t delete removed @mod folders from your harddrive - so it’s always a good idea to keep track of what is being removed to keep your harddrive clean.
  2. It doesn’t put a check in the checkbox of new mods - so you have to enable them manually (or uncheck the entire Coop/PvP Addon group and put a check in the checkbox again).

If you’ve fucked up the ‘folder’, then just delete it, push the Modsets button and create a new addon list.

p.s. sorry if terminology is off, I don’t have A3S here right now.

Because I’m trying to figure out how exactly it works. A3S doesn’t seem to handle it automatically for me.

[quote user_id=“12211388” avatar=“” name=“Bull”]It doesn’t do only 2 things:

  1. It doesn’t delete removed @mod folders from your harddrive - so it’s always a good idea to keep track of what is being removed to keep your harddrive clean.
  2. It doesn’t put a check in the checkbox of new mods - so you have to enable them manually (or uncheck the entire Coop/PvP Addon group and put a check in the checkbox again).
    I know about the first one, but the second one never happened to me as long as I was joining the server through a3s (for reasons described earlier in this thread).

It might be the terminology, but I don’t have any "Modsets" button. The only thing called Modsets is on the Online tab, when selecting repository contents to use for a server (also mentioned earlier in this thread).

edit: When removing the Coop folder altogether, I can’t bring it back unless I join the server via a3s.

That’s the tab you’re supposed to be using. You add the Modsets according to your repositories and tick/untick the modsets that you need/dont-need.

I found some old screenshost of examples I showed in the past.

You can create your own folders for mod testing or you can edit the Modsets. I’m really not sure how any of this can be confusing which is why I’m not sure how to help. :x

The repositories have a direct relation to the mod sets / folders if you use the Modsets button as described in the Mod Installation guide. All you have to remember to do, as Goat mentioned, is to uncheck and recheck the folder/group/whateveritscalled so it enabled the new mods.