Arma 3 - APEX DLC - Preorder

So BI started selling preorders of the new APEX dlc (new terrain, content etc etc)
As always we can expect that game machanics will be free for everyone, but game content will be buyers - exclusive.

It is -20% that means it sells for 23.99 Euro (which is quite a sum to be honest)

Will you be preordering?

I’ll buy it after I got my new graphics card :smiley:

[quote name=“Arma 3 aims to dig into the theme of near-future combat, expand the main game’s line-up of more familiar / modern-day armaments, and introduce new vehicle classes, such as VTOL aircraft and Light Strike Vehicles.”][/quote]
Reading it scare me a tiny bit, more futuristic BS ?

The VTOL and that LSV can be seen o the "2016 horizon" video.
Check this 4:22-4:30

This will end up just like their new chinook

Nothing like the good old one.
I’m affraid this new VTOL will end up being just like this last one, the shadow of the MV-22 Osprey.

I dont see the new chinooks that bad. They are not "classic" but they dont look bad. I don’t mind a slightly futuristic look if it doesnt look like a spaceship of some sort.

The futuristic vehicles actually make sense in arma. They’re all either prototype vehicles that militaries are currently looking into (ei the Ifrit) or they’re vehicles that are currently in use but have been updated with better aerodynamical and radar defeating features. Me liky liky

Yeah… i was totally against the futuristic setting of ArmA 3 in the beginning … but damn… there is some cool stuff and it works :slight_smile: as long as you can turn off some of the features that make Tanks and Vehicles OVERLORD, i’m totally ok with it!

Thx ArmA for having a very big Modding Community so we can still fight some old school fashion War! For the rest BI will take care of…