Amazingly effective framerate increase

If you download the zip file linked in this and go into the binaries folder, find the tbbmalloc file and put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Dll folder

start arma3 synch and go to the launcher options. Tick the Malloc box and select tbbmalloc which will add a launch parameter to arma 3.

There might be another step. but bare with me. this is worth it.

Go to start and type run in the search bar… open run and type gpedit.msc

in the window that comes up go to computer configuration / widows settings / security settings / local policies / user rights agreement and then find "Lock pages in memory" by pressing L. Right click on the entry and select properties. Then you need to add your computer username log on to the box that comes up. Apply this, log off of your computer and log back on again. Open arma sync, check that Malloc and tbbmalloc are checked and start arma.

You may now cream yourselves at the smooth framerate.

Wow, I did not expect to see mallocs to be discussed here. That’s awesome! Whilst staying on the topic of ArmA-defined memory allocators, I personally use the original TBB4.2 with my game and (at least for me) get much better results with a different DLL. Link below for those who are interested.

Yes I encourage experimentation with other mallocs and see which one works best for you

[quote]"reapplying this patch is required with each arma update, DON’T use this patched binary to join BE enabled multiplayer sessions!!!"[/quote](locking pages in memory)

While different malloc may have different results (depends on how arma is using memory arenas), "locking" pages in memory is an old concept to prevent pages from being swapped out - meaning it can have an effect if you have pagefile.sys enabled, but it likely won’t if you don’t.

(Now wait until windows implements hugepages, hehe – imagine it, fragmentation-free textures in memory!)

[quote user_id=“13586136” avatar=“” name=“Cody”]Wow, I did not expect to see mallocs to be discussed here. That’s awesome! Whilst staying on the topic of ArmA-defined memory allocators, I personally use the original TBB4.2 with my game and (at least for me) get much better results with a different DLL. Link below for those who are interested.[/quote]
I cannot seem to access it, needs me to login or something.

Updated link, apologies.

Now my pc doesn’t give me anything when I type "run" in the search bar. Any other way to access this?

[user avatar=“” name=“Anders”]4259784[/user]

windows button + R

Classic Anders

Now it says it can’t find gpedit.msc… FMLH

You entered it in the Run bar and not the windows search bar right?

Can you suggest some test cases where tbb4_bi is better than the default? I used my usual first mission of the 2nd campaign chapter (town overview) as a benchmark and FPS as well as general shuttering caused by mis-optimizations (unloading things) seemed to be unaffected.

Where the "default" allocator is tbb3malloc_bi, I have found that with more modern systems I can get a lot more performance and reliability using tbb4malloc_bi over the prior. Since upgrading to an x99 system I have been pushing the game further with every operation, whilst using the tbb3 allocator I would encounter major texture artifacting when on a higher sampling rate. Since switching to tbb4 I have been able to get up to 200% sampling without any issues, with a maximum FPS of ~35 with AA on x8.

I am guessing that allocators are designed for specific system builds, due to the nature of Intel releasing and supporting multiple builds of the same product. Experience may vary, but I have seen an improvement from switching to tbb4.

Yes i did

Edit: Found out that it’s because I only have windows 7 home premium… I’ll find a fix later today

Windows Scrub Premium

[quote user_id=“4259784” avatar=“” name=“Anders”]Yes i did

Edit: Found out that it’s because I only have windows 7 home premium… I’ll find a fix later today[/quote]

Didn’t work for me either (I have win10), but I did have a stable 50 fps in the infantry showcase with high video settings on, while this is usually in between 25-45, so it works :smiley:

How do I "Then you need to add your computer username log on to the box that comes up."?? What information do I enter where? When I click add User or Group and type in my profile name on windows it says "An object named "F. Alejandro Diaz" cannot be found.". Any help is greatly appreciated!

Don’t follow instructions in this topic, it is old and AFAIK arma now uses tbb4 anyway (since ~ v1.58 or so).

I’m pretty sure this is the malloc that now effectively murders your PC. If it’s the one I was thinking of then it was slowing PCs fairly progressively until arma crashes.

Maybe it should be removed from the mod installation guide then?