Rage aside are their any AI mods that to some degree… fix this? I know there was some talk about using a mod that made the AI smarter.
Rage aside are their any AI mods that to some degree… fix this? I know there was some talk about using a mod that made the AI smarter.
I’ve seen the situation from your flank.
You where shooting a AR guy laying behind the wall, so his legs or head glitches sometime through the wall.
Then he shooted back and cracked the wall into your direction.
In the duel he was faster and you died. That was nearly a fair fight.
[justify]The AI will always react to footstep noises, especially when being within 5 meters, however certain mods like ASR AI can mitigate that effect.
However, clipping is a completely different issue and won’t be fixed by any of our mods, this is something BIS has to address.
As a general rule in all Arma games: if you see even a sliver of an AI clipping through a wall, back away immediately and call everybody’s attention to it. Once the clipping has initiated the AI may rotate and the muzzle may clip as well, thus being able to engage people at the other side without us being able to do something about it. These situations are highly dangerous to human players and need to be handled by getting around the obstacle from a different angle. Trying to be close to that AI and lobbing grenades over it will often lead to the AI clip-engaging players and murdering a bunch of them as they aren’t expecting it.
If you want to get ASR AI implemented asap I highly recommend to sign up early for the 3rd of February. We need as many players as possible to stress test the performance on the server.[/justify]
[quote user_id=“11341464” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/11341464/avatar/medium.1553522842.png” name=“Clarke”][justify]
As a general rule in all Arma games: … … … [/justify][/quote] :thumb:
Haha… love the way you describes the situation Clarke!!!
Sounds like we could make a good old training session on "How to deal with glitching Contacts?" or ask ShackTac to put it in there Guide
and yeah this is a pain in the a**, remember that we got killed all by one guy glitching true the floor, we could not even see him!
[quote user_id=“12170814” avatar=“https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.enjin.com/821401/site_logo/medium.png” name=“Mars”]I’ve seen the situation from your flank.
You where shooting a AR guy laying behind the wall, so his legs or head glitches sometime through the wall.
Then he shooted back and cracked the wall into your direction.
In the duel he was faster and you died. That was nearly a fair fight. ;)[/quote]
A fair fight…
So you think that it’s fair that I was walking along mind in my own buisness when an AR glitches through the wall next to me… I turn and shoot because I’m certain if I do not I will die, but for some reason my bullet bounces of the wall because it’s finnecky about where the head is and the wall is so I try to shoot the arms which look like a better target but my bullets don’t do enough kill damage because all of the enemy soldiers’ vitals are protected by the wall. and the AR can shoot me wherever he wants.
I shot first. That was about as fair as fighting a silent bmp with a forcefield and cloaking device, with a rifle. It was not even close to fair, YOU WEREN’T THERE MAN. YOU WEREN’T THERE.
And yeah clarke I’ll sign up.
Had my comp not restarted a few moments earlier mid op I could have personally mitigated that incident but it was the way it was. I do remember you were cursing loudly when i reconnected on teamspeak shortly before you left and I had no idea why you suddenly left until I saw this post.
Arma being Arma
[quote user_id=“2830928” avatar=“https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.enjin.com/821401/site_logo/medium.png” name=“Skywalker”]Had my comp not restarted a few moments earlier mid op I could have personally mitigated that incident but it was the way it was. I do remember you were cursing loudly when i reconnected on teamspeak shortly before you left and I had no idea why you suddenly left until I saw this post.
Arma being Arma[/quote]
Oh I would have joined the next wave of reinforcements but I had to pick up my sister in the next 20 minutes so It seemed like a good time to quit.
Oh I see.
Like I said - arma being arma
Price, to be fair, everyone said to leave the guy alone but you and another kept shooting it and the damage threshold for the wall was hit (being glitchy like they are) and the wall came tumbling down resulting in your death. The AI guy being glitched through the wall had less to do with it…it was actually the wall falling from small arms fire. Got it on video if you’d like to see
So, ladies and gents…here’s the lesson: When people say leave something alone, leave it alone…haha.
Yeah. I rewatched the moment (Turned around just in time)…it was the wall falling that killed you, man.
Did the wall seriously fall on my head? I had no idea :o I died the moment the AI started firing so I was sure it was a bullet
I guess my bad. He was tracking me and I panicked.
Yeah, lol. It was pretty spectacular.
Did the wall seriously fall on my head? I had no idea :o I died the moment the AI started firing so I was sure it was a bullet
I guess my bad. He was tracking me and I panicked.[/quote]
Sry I was wrong, a duell against a wall is quite unfair
1v1 me m9
I’m impressed that it wasn’t your bullets bouncing off the wall and hitting you. You are, at least, trying to raise your own cairn.
Everyone’s roastin’ me