Apparently this is happening. Merge of AGM and CSE, and ACE developers to create ACE 3.

See for yourselves.

I hope this is not one of the bad April’s Fools day joke.

Is it to early for the hype-train ?


Swipp that response with that avatar perfect match. But for ACE 3 I just say SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
But wait a minute. Its this an April fools joke? It was posted on April 1 20:59
I really hope its not and we can finally see the true comeback of ACE.

hell yeah , this would be awesome!

Ive been waiting and hoping for something like this and can’t wait!

I just need to remain chilled until it is released. :cool:


I was too tired to notice anything yesterday. Freeze the image at 0:17 and try to remain calm.

this looks sooo goooooood

Fangirl screams

Looks great, if any of you remember what the first versions of ACE 2 were like then you’ll know what I mean when I say, don’t board the first train to hype-ville. And remember boys, this could have been released earlier if it wasn’t for Make ARMA not WAR contest. But still… ACE 3 CONFIRMED OMG OMG OMG OMG

It’s hard to believe it can be worse than AGM in it’s current state, since they’re going to pool all their work together (ACE+AGM+CSE). They’re not starting from scratch.

TBH I don’t remember ACE2 because I wasn’t in Arma scene back when ACE2 was being developed. But correct me if I’m wrong, they hadn’t had some similar mods before they began working on ACE2, like they do today.


This is amazing!!!

I think the collaboration is good and that it will bring together the best of each mod but this means that there will be more bugs to iron out. Even ACE 2 standing by itself had issues for a good couple months. ACE 2, once polished, was amazing but there was an extraordinary amount of dev-hating before it got there. Don’t expect rainbow-puking right out of the box, just be glad that they are developing the damn thing and that Xeno’s hissy-fit is over. I just don’t want this to end up like JSRS 3.

I think most would agree, AGM as it stands is awesome improvement over vanilla. Having such collaboration can either continue status quo or improve the quality. That’s what we’re expecting.

It’s still modular and as such, that’s how we’re probably going to be using it. Whatever is bad or bugged won’t be included.

JSRS is a different story because BI are overhauling the entire audio system. LJH’s scripts are becoming obsolete once the Engine can do it on its own.

I think we’re in good hands. :thumb:

It’s almost here guys!


firstly awesome news.

secondly: clarke: use of that particular picture makes everything as viciously depraved as the scene it’s from. good work

New video released and an unofficial PBO has been made available on Armaholic for anyone that can’t wait lol:


We just tested it with Ryujin. Most of the features are working as-intended. It looks like most come from AGM, except the medic system and a few more things come from CSE. I really like this 0.001 version and I expect this to only get more awesome!